Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Caribou proposal would trach economy

| January 19, 2012 4:54 AM

Abraham Lincoln made the observation that the philosophy of the class-room in one generation will become the philosophy of government in the next.

The present controversy of "critical habitat" designation for the caribou which are supposedly "endangered" is just one more glaring example of how accurate Lincoln's observation was.

For at least the past couple of generations our government "public" schools have been feeding our youth false environmental propaganda which as led to the passage of the Endangered Species Act and the listing of thousands of so called "endangered" species. We are now reaping what we have sowed.

We must demand that the USFWS withdraw its economy trashing proposal. But parents should at the same time withdraw their kids from our govt. sponsored indoctrination centers. 

Continuing to ignore reality is not an option since it is impossible to ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. 

You can ignore the fact that your house is burning down but you can't ignore the fact that you will no longer have a place to live.

Robert Vickaryous