Wednesday, February 12, 2025

You decide on BVAA issues

| July 12, 2012 7:02 AM

This letter is regarding ambulance issues.

Despite which side you are on regarding the local ambulance issue, here a some considerations.

Having a decent emergency medical response with paramedics (advanced life support) is like having an insurance policy, seldom used, but priceless when it involves you or your family.

Public safety folks often don’t get paid for what they do, they get paid for what they are capable of doing. With advancements in medical procedures today, surviving a stroke (CVA), heart attack (MI) or trauma and leading a productive life, secondary to the event have increased exponentially.

The “golden hour” is more important than ever. Initial treatment by trained personnel, Advanced life support (ALS), rapid transport to the closest appropriate medical facility enhance the outcome of such medical events and cannot be underestimated.

The alternative is living with the thought that, things could have been different, or better. Paramedics today have the ability to initiate treatment for: Codes, emphysema, CHF, diabetic emergencies, seizures, heart attacks, drug overdoses, trauma, initiate IV’s, intubate, read EKG’s, and administer some of the same drugs they do at the hospital.

This probably matters little until it affects you or your family personally. Perhaps it is time to plant the seeds for the future, however that is accomplished.

