Thursday, June 28
Sand Creek byway costs $100 million
SANDPOINT - Idaho’s single largest highway project, one that took 65 years from the time it was first discussed to completion, will be dedicated Friday at 1:30 p.m. in Sandpoint.
Community at a crossroads as bypass opening nears
SANDPOINT — With the Sand Creek Byway set to open soon, some wary residents can’t help but feel the city is at a crossroad.
Civic leaders embrace Sand Creek Byway
SANDPOINT — June 29 is a day some people thought couldn’t get here soon enough and others hoped never would.
With reservoirs full, dams open up their gates
The Kootenai River rose more than two feet above flood stage Wednesday at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, prompting a variety of emergency response efforts, and Lake Koocanusa continues to fill even with Libby Dam spilling water at full capacity.
Three church vacation Bible school set
The three-church joint Vacation Bible School will have afternoon sessions this summer, rather than the traditional morning events as in previous years.
Are you planning on attending Bonners Ferry's Fourth of July festivities?
Fourth festivities to go off with a bang
BONNERS FERRY — On one of the most patriotic days of the year, Boundary County residents can stay at home.
BoCo Backpack program receives ICF grants
The Idaho Community Foundation blessed the children of Boundary County twice this month when they awarded two separate grants totaling $,4,000 to the BoCo Backpack weekend supplemental food program.
Adult tennis workshop offered
For the first time, the Boundary County Parks and Recreation Association in conjunction with the Boundary County Tennis Association is putting on a four-day adult tennis camp.
Lifeguard class registration
Lifeguard class registration will be Monday, July 2 through Friday, July 13 at Bonners Ferry City Hall, 7232 Main St.
Decision to move school not a good one
Although I was disappointed that Riverside will be closed next year, I was pleased that the school will be open for another year. Having students involved in the decisions will certainly make the transition easier for them.
Report illegal parties
It is summer and as the weather gets warmer our county’s high school aged students will be planning outdoor parties where illegal drinking often occurs.

City declares flood emergency
BONNERS FERRY — The city of Bonners Ferry has declared a disaster emergency to deal with flooding and receive assistance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Ambulance service in jeopardy
BONNERS FERRY — The future of ambulance service in Boundary County is in jeopardy.
Patricia Joyce McNally
Patricia Joyce (PJ) McNally passed away at Hospice House in Spokane, Wash., on June 26, 2012.
Emmett E. Robins, 81
mmett E. Robins, 81, passed away at his home in Moyie Springs, Idaho, on June 22, 2012.
Karen Diane Robinson, 58
Karen Dianne Robinson, 58, passed on June 20, 2012, in Seattle, Washington after a brief illness.
Robert F. (Bob) Gunter
Robert F. (Bob) Gunter was born in Whites Chapel, Ala., on Jan. 20, 1926.
Vada Voncille (Jones) Armstrong, 70
Vada Voncille Armstrong (nee Jones) passed away June 19, 2012, near her home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, from a stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.
Jon Michael Adams, 72
Jon Michael Adams, 72, of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, passed away at home on June 21, 2012.
Monday, June 25
Kootenai exceeds flood stage; dam has little space left
BONNERS FERRY — When it rains it pours.
Thursday, June 21

Fundraiser to help Invernon's wrestling quest
The Invernon family is rallying around one of their own.
They Way We Worked to close
The Way We Work” Smithsonian Museum exhibit will close with a musical performance at The Pearl.
Cowboy Fast draw Saturday
owboy Fast Draw is coming at 11 a.m., Saturday, June 23.
BFHS plays spring football
Earlier this spring, Casey McLaughlin was hired as head football coach for Bonners Ferry High School.
Comment deadline on caribou plan July 2
PRIEST LAKE — The cost over the next two decades to protect old-growth habitat for endangered woodland caribou in northern Idaho and northeast Washington state will be about $1.5 million, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s draft economic analysis.

Council votes to cut down tree
SANDPOINT — The saga of a controversial tree house overlooking the Kootenai River in Bonners Ferry has sprouted some new branches.
Fourth of July volunteers
BONNERS FERRY — It takes a community of volunteers to bring off an event in small towns.
Charity flag football game Saturday
A charity flag football game to help purchase a special tricycle for a young boy with cerebral palsy takes place Saturday.
Thursday, June 14

Pass in the Grass or Scud in the Mud

City says treehouse must come down
If you Google "tremain albright treehouse," you'll have your choice of 20,900 websites from around the world to find out that a Bonners Ferry man will lose what is perhaps the coolest treehouse in North Idaho, if not the entire state, because the tree it sits in, while on private property, is in the wrong place.
Stand Down to help area veterans
SANDPOINT — Members of the local Vietnam Veterans of America chapter know all about the sacrifices required from the nation’s servicemen and women.

Super 1 opens store in Bonners
B.F. Builders, Inc., of Bonners Ferry, is nearing completion of a new 50,000-square-foot Super 1 Foods store in Bonners Ferry.

Spirit Song to perform Sunday
Spiritsong, international touring choir with members from Creston, BC, Coeur d’Alene, Sandpoint, and Bonners Ferry will share highlights of their recent tour in “Costa Rica: the songs, stories, and images” in performances in Bonners Ferry on Sunday June 17 at 2 p.m. at the Pearl Theater.
Fourth of July to light up the sky
Agent Orange survey to help vets
Dick Phenneger is on a mission to assist his fellow Vietnam veterans and their families.

Kootenai River nears flood stage - again
BONNERS FERRY — The Kootenai River is within inches of exceeding flood level, Boundary County incident commander Bob Graham said Wednesday.
Lawrence (Larry) R. Morrison, 86
Lawrence R. Morrison "Larry" died at home in Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, Feb. 7, 2012, after suffering from a heart attack.The memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 30 following the Fly-In, at the Boundary County Airport in Bonner's Ferry.
?Helen Elaine Jahnke Holmquist, 93
Helen Elaine Jahnke Holmquist passed away on Feb. 17, 2012, at the Community Hospital in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Roger Lee Guthrie, 81
Roger Lee Guthrie, 81, passed away unexpectedly on Feb. 20, 2012, at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Lila Arlene Belden Sweet, 91
Lila Arlene Belden Sweet left the rain to go to the sunshine on June 6, 2012, with her family by her side.
Friday, June 1
EAGLE — Bonners Ferry’s Jacob Callister won the 800 in the 3A Idaho State Track Championships held Friday and Saturday.
Avalanche improve their record
Idaho joins effort to get Kramer into Hall of Fame
BOISE — Members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio are among the most elite, recognizable, and honored athletes of their time. They have been rewarded for their skill and dedication to the game, but the roster of Hall of Fame legends remains incomplete – one great player from the glory days of the Green Bay Packers is missing.
Avalanche U12 girls win final league game
The Avalanche U12 girl's soccer team won their final league game of the season 1-0 against Ephrata Extreme.
Thief makes off with veteran's medals
BONNERS FERRY — A thief or thieves broke into an ill Boundary County veteran’s home during Memorial Day weekend and made off with 75 of his Navy medals.
Mutt Strutt ..A Tail Waggin' Good Time
On Memorial Weekend 50 people along with their dogs enjoyed a dog gone great party. It kicked off with a 5K fun run. Congratulations to Louis Balcaen who came in first in the youth category and Donna Strangio, first in the adult category.
Sun Yong Frederickson
Sun Yong Frederickson,74, was born Yong Su Kim to Yong Kyu Kim and Ssi Ye Chang on March 8, 1938, in Seoul, South Korea.
Bomb scare evacuates BFHS
BONNERS FERRY — A bomb threat cleared the halls of Bonners Ferry High School Tuesday morning.

Denning restores 1936 Chevy for granddaughter
Bonners Ferry resident Keith Denning wants to leave his children and grandchildren an unique legacy while doing something he loves.
Ambulance service will cease operation without funding
By Ken Baker
Summer school district meals
The Boundary County School District is participating in the summer food service program.
Volleyball camp
The University of Idaho is offering a traveling individual volleyball camp in Bonners Ferry at BFHS.
Judy Rae Flinn
Judy Rae Flinn, 72, of Lewiston, Idaho, passed away Sunday, May 27, 2012, at the Royal Plaza Retirement and Care Center.