Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Fourth of July to light up the sky

by Julie Golder Staff Writer
| June 14, 2012 8:18 AM


Staff writer

Bonners Ferry will not be in the dark on Fourth of July.

Plans are in order and last minute preparation is being made for the extravagant event instigated by Paradise Valley fire chief Gary Leonard.

Leonard said the city, county businesses and residents helped exceed fundraising goals.

It appears many people have hopped onto the Fourth of July bus to make sure Bonners Ferry celebrates the day in a special way.

The fireworks have been ordered and according to Leonard, this year’s show should be spectacular.

“I am hoping to make this an annual event and keep it traditional and not go over board but still have a wonderful celebration each year,” Leonard said.

The event will start off at 4 p.m. with the Fourth of July parade in downtown Main Street.

People who want to participate in the parade have to give at least one day minimum notification of their participation.

So far the fire departments, tractor club, 4-H club, Rod Benders, Distinguished Young Women participants, SAR, BSCO Posse and more will be showing their stuff as they cruise, stroll and walk down main street.

There will also be a special Normal Rockwell-type parade event open to children 5 to 14-years-old — the Most Patriotic Bicycle decoration event.

Visit the July-Fourth.us web page for more details.

From 5 to 7 p.m. at the Boundary County Fairgrounds, the Firefighters’ Challenge will take place. Rod Benders Car Club also will show off classic vehicles. An art show display being planned, but that endeavor is still tentative.

At 6 p.m., the fairground’s sports fields and grandstands will open for seating. Leonard and organizers suggest bringing blankets, chairs and picnic items.

There will be food available for purchase.

Boundary County Parks and Recreation will have pulled pork sandwiches, sausage, peppers and onions available for sale.

Boundary Volunteer Ambulance will sell hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans and drinks and all proceeds will go to the Mike Weland Benefit fund. The Bread Basket Bakery will supply good old-fashioned American apple pie.

The ceremony kicks off at 7 p.m. with the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts Color Guard flag presentation. The National Anthem will be performed by Markayle Acord and an invocation will be given by Mountain Springs Church.

Reverend Leonard Pine of the Providence Bible Presbyterian Church will lead a sing along to “God Bless America.”

From 7:30 to 9 p.m. live music performed by local band Quartermoon and if any one has the urge to dance it is encouraged..

Then the extravaganza from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. with a gorgeous display of fireworks honoring America’s Independence.

The organization still needs volunteers to help with the event setup, takedown and cleanup. Anyone interested can Gary Leonard: gary@july-fourth.us or 946-9579.