Friday, March 14, 2025

Anderson wrong: Repeal legislation

| March 8, 2012 11:45 AM

Rep. Eric Anderson did a good job in describing the problem of an overzealous federal govt. seeking to manage i.e lock up hundreds of thousands of acres in the name of protecting so called "threatened" or "endangered" species. However, he fell far short in describing the solution.

Eric states "Congress must reclaim its constitutional roles over the management of species and public lands."

No such constitutional roles exists for the congress to manage land or species. This is an area which was left to the states by the 10th amendment. Tinkering reforming or rewriting the ESA or any other usurpation of power by the federal govt. will not solve anything. Only outright repeal of irresponsible legislation will solve the problem created by irresponsible legislation.

To find out more about environmental issues and who is behind them to to your computer and type in then click on Programs, then click on agenda 21.

If we are to restore constitutional principles it is imperative to educate Eric on those principles or replace him with someone who already has that understanding. The latter might be the easiest.

Robert Vickaryous