Friday, March 14, 2025

If you can, donate to charity

| November 30, 2012 8:00 AM

The holiday shopping season is here. I have been just squeaking by the last few years and haven’t had the opportunity to give much to others for Christmas, but happily, this year has been a bit better.

I am so grateful for all that I have — wonderful friends, a business of my own and a job that I love, a roof over my head and good health.

To honor my good fortune I am choosing three charities to give small donations to so I can “pay it forward.”

I am going to give a loan to someone through Kiva, a nonprofit lending group that assists people to help them become self sufficient, (

I will donate to SmileTrain, a nonprofit that provides cleft palate surgery for children around the world (

My third donation will go to Second Chance, the local nonprofit animal shelter here in Bonners Ferry, (

I am hoping that those of you who have been as blessed as I have will consider doing something similar.

There are thousands of charities that are in great need — it doesn’t take much money to help those less fortunate. May this season bring all of my friends, family, and community hope, health, success and love!


Bonners Ferry