Saturday, March 15, 2025

20 Mile comment period open

| April 12, 2013 9:00 AM

The Twentymile Creek Environmental Analysis has been completed and is available for review and comment.

The CFLR project will reduce the risk of sediment entering the drinking water through road improvements, road decommissioning, vegetation and fuels management and will improve grizzly bear habitat.

The Idaho Panhandle National Forests are proposing ecosystem restoration activities in the Twentymile Creek watershed on National Forest lands within the Bonners Ferry Ranger District.

The drinking water supply for more than 90 households in the Twentymile Water Association originates in this watershed.

The purpose of the project is to reduce the risk of crown fires and negative effects on drinking water quality, the Black Mountain communications site, and enhance overall forest health and resilience.

The actions are needed to address the existing and increasing risk of crown fires, as well as dense and mature stands at risk of mortality from drought, diseases, bark beetle outbreaks, and stand replacement fires.

The EA also analyzed the relocation (subject to available funding) of the Black Mountain Lookout.

The lookout tower would be moved to a new site approximately a half mile northeast of its present location, on the main ridge between Black Mountain and Clifty Mountain.

Written comments must be submitted by Saturday, May 4 by mail, email, fax or by verbal comment. Only those who provide timely comments will be eligible to appeal the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 215 regulations.

Comments must be specific to the proposed activities and area analyzed. Address comments to: Linda McFaddan, District Ranger, Bonners Ferry Ranger District, 6286 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.

Oral comments may be given at the Bonners Ferry Ranger Station by telephone (267-5561) or in person during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

Comments may also be submitted electronically to: (Microsoft Word or RTF file). The subject line should include the project name.

Copies of the EA may be obtained by writing or calling the Bonners Ferry Ranger District office or can be viewed online at