Friday, March 14, 2025

Wrestlers second in tourney

| February 8, 2013 8:00 AM

The Bonners Ferry varsity and JV wrestlers had a very busy weekend finishing up second behind Lakeland in their home tourney. Finals were very exciting with the Badgers placing six men in the final round of 15 places and bringing home five champions, four by pins.

The champions were Aaron Smith at 98, Blaine Invernon at 138, Quinn Cummings at 160, Carman Krichbaum at 195 and Morris McAllister at 285. Will Gaspar at 220 placed second. Jon Gaspar at 220 and Tyson Boorman at 138 placed third. Parker Davis at 145 and Anthony Skeen at 152 placed fourth.

Next on the wrestlers’ schedule is a JV tournament Saturday, Feb. 9 at Lake City.

Bonners Ferry Invite hosted Friday Night

Duals before the Saturday individual tournament.

Friday was senior night and nine seniors were honored: Aaron Smith, Josh Tucker, David Chapman, Blaine Invernon, Tyson Boorman, Josh Miller, Carman Krichbaum, Will Gaspar and stat keeper Amber Bridenstine.

Aaron Smith (2-0) - 1st - Team Points: 18.0

98: Aaron Smith (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Tyler Custis (KELLOGG JV) 0:16.

98: Aaron Smith (Bonners Ferry) won by decision over Tyler Siegford (LAKELAND VARSITY) 8-4.

Jared Coogan- DNP- Team Points: 3.00

126: Joey Day (PRIEST RIVER VARSITY) won by pin over Jared Coogan (Bonners Ferry) 0:59

126: Jared Coogan (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Dakota Johnson (TIMBERLAKE VARSITY) 0:44

126: Luke Soumas (PRIEST RIVER JV) won by pin over Jared Coogan (Bonners Ferry) 2:32

Tyson Boorman (4-1) - 3rd - Team Points: 15.0

138: Tyson Boorman (Bonners Ferry) won in overtime over Tanner Wright (LAKELAND JV) 12-10.

138: Reid Ryle (ST. MARIES VARSITY) won by decision over Tyson Boorman (Bonners Ferry) 9-7.

138: Tyson Boorman (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Matt Tucker (BONNERS FERRY JV) 3:50.

138: Tyson Boorman (Bonners Ferry) won by major decision over Dominic Branz (WALLACE VARSITY) 12-4.

138: Tyson Boorman (Bonners Ferry) won by major decision over Tanner Wright (LAKELAND JV) 12-3.

Blaine Invernon (3-0) - 1st - Team Points: 23.5

138: Blaine Invernon (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Kobe Norton (ST. MARIES JV) 1:02.

138: Blaine Invernon (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Dominic Branz (WALLACE VARSITY) 0:44.

138: Blaine Invernon (Bonners Ferry) won by tech fall over Chad Miller (LAKELAND VARSITY) 0:00 23-8.

Matt Tucker (2-2) - DNP - Team Points: 0.0

138: Matt Tucker (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Hunter Phelps (TIMBERLAKE VARSITY) 1:52.

138: Chad Miller (LAKELAND VARSITY) won by pin over Matt Tucker (Bonners Ferry) 3:14.

138: Matt Tucker (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Ryan Hansen (PRIEST RIVER VARSITY) 0:37.

138: Tyson Boorman (BONNERS FERRY JV) won by pin over Matt Tucker (Bonners Ferry) 3:50.

Parker Davis (3-2) - 4th - Team Points: 9.0

145: Parker Davis (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Lucas Erlendson (KELLOGG JV) 0:31.

145: Parker Davis (Bonners Ferry) won by decision over Isaac Walters (ST. MARIES VARSITY) 13-9.

145: Chris Vergobbi (KELLOGG VARSITY) won by pin over Parker Davis (Bonners Ferry) 1:45.

145: Parker Davis (Bonners Ferry) won by decision over Josh Miller (BONNERS FERRY JV) 10-3.

145: Will Putman (LAKELAND JV) won by major decision over Parker Davis (Bonners Ferry) 15-2.

Josh Miller (3-2) - DNP - Team Points: 8.0

145: Josh Miller (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Rob Smith (KELLOGG JV) 1:12.

145: Will Putman (LAKELAND JV) won by pin over Josh Miller (Bonners Ferry) 1:55.

145: Josh Miller (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Lucas Erlendson (KELLOGG JV) 4:50.

145: Josh Miller (Bonners Ferry) won by decision over Britt Dickens (LAKELAND JV) 6-0.

145: Parker Davis (BONNERS FERRY VARSITY) won by decision over Josh Miller (Bonners Ferry) 10-3.

Anthony Skeen (2-2) - 4th - Team Points: 13.0

152: Anthony Skeen (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Justin Danseraeh (LAKELAND JV) 0:49.

152: Jesse Putman (LAKELAND VARSITY) won by pin over Anthony Skeen (Bonners Ferry) 5:02.

152: Anthony Skeen (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Curtis Branz (WALLACE VARSITY) 4:13.

152: Brandon Mailhot (LAKELAND JV) won by decision over Anthony Skeen (Bonners Ferry) 9-2.

Quinn Cummings (4-0) - 1st - Team Points: 24.0

160: Quinn Cummings (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Austin Jeffries (KELLOGG JV) 0:21.

160: Quinn Cummings (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Kenny Zacken (LAKELAND JV) 0:54.

160: Quinn Cummings (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Jake Bowden (PRIEST RIVER VARSITY) 1:32.

160: Quinn Cummings (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Karsen Walker (LAKELAND VARSITY) 1:52.

Carman Krichbaum (2-0) - 1st - Team Points: 19.0

195: Carman Krichbaum (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Gabe Bellah (PRIEST RIVER VARSITY) 0:11.

195: Carman Krichbaum (Bonners Ferry) won by major decision over Nick Anderson (KOOTENAI VARSITY) 17-5.

Jonathan Gaspar (3-1) - 3rd - Team Points: 11.0

220: Jonathan Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Conor Shepherd (LAKELAND VARSITY) 1:27.

220: Curtis Dolson (WALLACE VARSITY) won by decision over Jonathan Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) 8-2.

220: Jonathan Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Josh Karkoski (PRIEST RIVER VARSITY) 1:13.

220: Jonathan Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) won by decision over Conor Shepherd (LAKELAND VARSITY) 5-2.

William Gaspar (2-1) - 2nd - Team Points: 15.0

220: William Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Josh Karkoski (PRIEST RIVER VARSITY) 2:20.

220: William Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) won by pin over Billy Schwartz (KOOTENAI VARSITY) 3:27.

220: Curtis Dolson (WALLACE VARSITY) won by pin over William Gaspar (Bonners Ferry) 1:49.

Morris / Dale McAllister (1-0) - 1st - Team Points: 20.0

285: Morris / Dale McAllister (Bonners Ferry) won by injury default over Brandon Kurtz (LAKELAND VARSITY) 0:00.

Friday Night Dual results

Bonners Ferry (BOFE) 50.0 Lakeland (LAKE) 35.0

98: Aaron Smith, BOFE, maj. dec. TYLER SIEGFORD, LAKE, 11-0. 106: JUSTIN WRIGHT, LAKE, forf. . 113: TYSON HENDRICKS, LAKE, forf. . 120: AUSTIN HOOBLER, LAKE, forf. . 126: DUSTIN HANNAWALT, LAKE, pinned Coogan Jared, BOFE, 1:46. 132: David Chapman, BOFE, forf. . 138: Blaine Invernon, BOFE, pinned TANNER WRIGHT, LAKE, 4:45. 145: Josh Miller, BOFE, maj. dec. BRITT DICKENS, LAKE, 11-2. 152: JESSE PUTMAN, LAKE, tech. fall Anthony Skeen, BOFE, 0:00 15-0. 160: Quinn Cummings, BOFE, pinned BRANDON MAILHOT, LAKE, 1:43. 170: Chase Invernon, BOFE, pinned KENNY ZAKEN, LAKE, 3:24. 182: TANNER READ, LAKE, forf. . 195: Carman Krichbaum, BOFE, pinned CONOR SHEPHERD, LAKE, 1:57. 220: William Gaspar, BOFE, pinned JOSH KAPLAN, LAKE, 2:58. 285: Morris / Dale McAllister, BOFE, pinned BRANDON KURTZ, LAKE, 2:54.

Bonners Ferry (BOFE) 44.0 St. Maries (STMA) 30.0

98: Aaron Smith, BOFE, dec. OT Hayden Humphrey, STMA, 8-6. 106: Hayden Humphrey, STMA, forf. . 113: Cody Edwards, STMA, forf. . 120: Colton Mitchell, STMA, forf. . 126: Josh Richmond, STMA, pinned Coogan Jared, BOFE, 1:13. 132: Aaron Kolar, STMA, dec. David Chapman, BOFE, 6-5. 138: Blaine Invernon, BOFE, pinned Reid Ryle, STMA, 0:50. 145: Parker Davis, BOFE, tech. fall Isaac Walters, STMA, 0:00 20-5. 152: Joseph Bloomsburg, STMA, dec. Anthony Skeen, BOFE, 7-0. 160: Quinn Cummings, BOFE, pinned Jesse Harvey, STMA, 0:29. 170: Chase Invernon, BOFE, forf. . 182: double forfeit. 195: Carman Krichbaum, BOFE, forf. . 220: Jonathan Gaspar, BOFE, forf. . 285: Morris / Dale McAllister, BOFE, forf. .

170,182,195,220,285 are scored under BF vs Kootenai (St.Maries & Kootenai have a co op)

Kootenai (KOOT) 18.0 Bonners Ferry (BOFE) 12.0

98: double forfeit. 106: double forfeit. 113: double forfeit. 120: double forfeit. 126: double forfeit. 132: double forfeit. 138: double forfeit. 145: double forfeit. 152: double forfeit. 160: double forfeit. 170: Christian Speelman, KOOT, pinned Chase Invernon, BOFE, 0:29. 182: Matthew Speelman, KOOT, forf. . 195: Carman Krichbaum, BOFE, pinned Nick Andersen, KOOT, 3:24. 220: Billy Schwartz, KOOT, pinned Jonathan Gaspar, BOFE, 3:48. 285: Morris / Dale McAllister, BOFE, forf. .

Bonners Ferry (BOFE) 45.0 Priest River (PRRI) 33.0

98: Aaron Smith, BOFE, tech. fall Joe Irvine, PRRI, 0:00 17-0. 106: double forfeit. 113: Brad Schafer, PRRI, forf. . 120: KYLE PALFREY, PRRI, forf. . 126: Joey Day, PRRI, pinned Coogan Jared, BOFE, 0:33. 132: Gregory Fitzmorris, PRRI, dec. OT David Chapman, BOFE, 6-4. 138: Blaine Invernon, BOFE, pinned RYAN HANSON, PRRI, 0:35. 145: Josh Miller, BOFE, maj. dec. CHANCE STOKES, PRRI, 9-1. 152: Anthony Skeen, BOFE, pinned LUKE MACDONALD, PRRI, 3:32. 160: Quinn Cummings, BOFE, pinned JACOB BOWDEN, PRRI, 3:18. 170: Ian Barnes, PRRI, pinned Chase Invernon, BOFE, 2:49. 182: Bret Fink, PRRI, forf. . 195: Carman Krichbaum, BOFE, pinned Gab Bellah, PRRI, 0:53. 220: William Gaspar, BOFE, pinned JOSH KARKOSKI, PRRI, 1:27. 285: Morris / Dale McAllister, BOFE, forf. .