Thursday, February 20, 2025

Get government out of schools for safety

| February 15, 2013 8:00 AM

Regarding the recent school shootings with even the NRA demanding police state measures such as federally funded armed guards in the classroom and others demanding registration and confiscation I thought a good dose of rather graphic reality might be in order.

The following scene took place near the city of Kharkov in the Ukraine after the people had been disarmed. Only the “responsible” people in the German military were allowed to have guns. Here is how Alexander Bespalov, a Soviet citizen, described it in June 1943.

“I myself saw as many as 300 girls and women brought to the woods in 10 or 12 motor trucks.”

“These poor people ran hither and thither weeping, tearing their hair and clothes but the German fascists paid no attention to this. They punched them and beat them to make them get up; if they did not get up the butchers tore their clothes off and threw them into the pit. Several girls and children tried to run away but were killed.

“After a round was fired from automatic rifles I saw several women stagger and throw their arms helplessly and uttering heartrendering shrieks, ran towards the Germans standing about. The Germans shot them down with pistols...mothers driven out of their minds with fear and grief ran shrieking about the glade, pressing their babies to their breasts seeking safety. The Gestapo men tore the children out of their mothers arms and swinging them by their legs or arms threw them alive into the pit. As the mothers ran after them, they were shot down.”

In the past century there were more people killed by governments than in all of our wars combined making it the bloodiest century in recorded history.

If you want to help make the 21st Century even bloodier turn in your guns.

If you want safe schools get the government out of education and in the meanwhile arm the teacher. If we can’t trust our teachers with a gun why should we trust them with the minds of our youth?

Robert Vickaryous

Boundary County