Thursday, March 06, 2025

Comments sought on fish hatchery

| February 22, 2013 8:00 AM

The Kootenai River White Sturgeon and Burbot Hatcheries Project (formerly known as the Kootenai Native Fish Aquaculture Program) preliminary environmental assessment has been released for comment.

BPA has released a preliminary environmental assessment pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act , which requires federal agencies to assess the impacts that their actions may have on the environment.

BPA prepared this EA to determine whether funding the Tribe’s aquaculture program would significantly affect the quality of the human environment and warrant preparing an EIS, or whether it is appropriate to prepare a Finding of No Significant Impact .

To learn more about the project proposal, review the Preliminary EA, or to submit comments, go to: The 30-day comment period for the Preliminary EA runs from Feb. 15, 2013 through March 18, 2013.

• If you have questions about the proposed project or the environmental review process, contact Ted Gresh, environmental project lead at (800) 282-3713 or (503) 230-5756, or by e-mail