Friday, March 14, 2025

Golf Ball drop June 14

by Marcia Morman
| June 7, 2013 9:00 AM

There’s a new game in town. Perched 20 feet above hole number nine, a huge bucket of golf balls will be released in a cascading ball free-for-all during Fry Healthcare Foundation’s fifth annual golf tournament on Friday, June 14 at Mirror Lake Golf Course.

When the re-bounding golf balls come to a stop, the ball in the cup will determine the winner of a huge 55” LED flat screen TV valued close to $1,000. If a ball doesn’t make it into the hole, the ball nearest the hole is the winner.

Lifeflight Networks, a medical helicopter transport company, is sponsoring the golf ball drop by purchasing the TV to be given away.

All proceeds go to the Fry Healthcare Foundation, which in turn, funds equipment, supplies and items for our local hospital, Boundary Community Hospital.

Using funds raised during the Festival of Trees and last year’s golf tournament, the Foundation purchased and installed new carpeting in the Extended Care facility.

The new carpeting looks wonderful, brightening the hallways and reading areas where so many of the residents spend a good portion of their day.

The foundation members are standing by with golf balls galore waiting to assign a number to a ball for you. The balls cost $5 each. You can buy one or may buy many.

You can even choose a number, if you feel that you have a lucky number, and if that number is still open.

You are welcome to come watch the ball-drop, although you do not have to be present to win.

If you are playing in the tournament, all the better, you will be there already. Watch for the balls to drop at 6:30 p.m. sharp.

All tournament players will have completed the 18-hole course by then.

The Fry Healthcare Foundation appreciates your participation in this fun way to raise funds. And, who knows, maybe you will be the lucky winner.

Entries may be purchased at Riverside Auto Center, as well as, Boundary Community Hospital. Call Richelle at (208)267-4851.

For a quick and easy way to purchase entries into the Great Golf Ball Drop, go Credit cards or PayPal payments are accepted.

Marcia Morman is the Boundary Community Hospital community relations coordinator