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Woods to spend junior year in India

by Laura Roady Staff Writer
| May 10, 2013 10:40 AM

BONNERS FERRY — As a child Savannah Woods learned about India from the dishes her grandpa cooked and stories about his own childhood in Indian.

Now, she will experience the culture and Indian dishes first-hand as she travels to India as a foreign exchange student.

Woods will complete her junior year in India.

She is the third Bonners Ferry High School student to be a foreign exchange student in 22 years.

“I’m fascinated with other cultures,” said Woods. “What better way to learn than to go to a different country and live there.”

Woods loves learning and her favorite class was eighth grade world history.

During her almost year-long stay, Woods will go to school, live with a host family, visit the Taj Mahal, and assimilate into the culture.

“I’m trying to become one with them and get a global understanding,” said Woods. “I hope to gain perspective and open my mind.”

One difference she will encounter is in the school system. In high school, students choose a track to follow, such as commerce, humanities or science, and Woods will have to choose one of the tracks to follow.

Classes are taught in English but there is no guarantee the host family will speak it, said Woods. There are more than 100 dialects in India.

“We are very excited about how passionate Savannah is in wanting to learn about a different culture and to help create positive connections with others through this experience,” said Michelle and Brian Woods, Savannah’s parents. “This will truly be a life-changing experience for her.”

Woods hopes to help break down stereotypes, especially between Muslim and American communities.

“They are like us,” said Woods. “I don’t think it is right to judge just because of religion. I want to help others understand people are people wherever we go.”

“If we don’t give students the chance to experience other cultures how are they to function in this world?” said BFHS Spanish teacher Linda Hall.

Woods will be the first BFHS student to receive a full-ride scholarship for studying abroad that Hall can remember.

She is one of 65 finalists of more than 1,000 applicants who will study in 13 countries through the Kennedy-Luger Youth Exchange and Study Abroad program.

“This is incredible,” said Hall. “She is a prime candidate and will be an amazing ambassador for the community.”

Woods will attend a pre-departure orientation June 26-29 before she departs for India.

She will return in May 2014.

“It is a long time to be away from my family,” said Woods. “My family is really excited about it. It really is a life-changing experience.”

Woods will miss participating in sports. Basketball and volleyball have been a big part of her life but she wants to focus on schoolwork and the culture.

“I am so excited for this,” said Woods. “I think it will be phenomenal.”