Friday, March 14, 2025

Flight scholar money available

| November 15, 2013 8:00 AM

The huckleberry pancake breakfasts at the airport this summer were a huge success and the proceeds are ready to be distributed towards the EAA Youth Flight Scholarships.

Four scholarships are available this year for $2,500. One scholarship is available for a resident of the Troy area.

The local Experimental Aircraft Association, in 2014, is offering aviation scholarship for youths 16 to 18 years of age. The scholarships are for Boundary County residents (and one for Troy, Montana).

Flight training must be at Northern Air Inc.

The scholarships (up to a $2,500 ‘non-cash’ value) will include ground school and flight training. Ground school classes are held at the Boundary County Airport Terminal building.

Past recipients of the youth flight scholarships have been Trevor Schneider and Dalin Hubbard in 2013, Katherine Boger and Nathan Negoi in 2012, Adam Alverez in 2011, Andrew Brubaker in 2010, and Tana Schneider and Austin Tanner in 2009.

All applications must be received by Dec. 1. Applications can be dropped off at the Boundary County Airport or mailed to Boundary County Airport, Youth Flight Scholarship, 64602 Highway 2, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.

Ground school begins Jan. 6, 2014.

Flight training will commence upon successful completion of ground school and the private pilot written exam.

Info: 208 267 4359 or visit the EAA Website