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Flu Shots Available Sept. 25

| September 20, 2013 9:00 AM

Bonners Ferry _ Flu season is around the corner and the Panhandle Health District (PHD) office in Bonners Ferry is prepared with vaccine.

PHD will provide children’s flu shots for $10, adult flu shots for $30 and high-dose vaccine for people older than 64 for $55. High dose is designed to create a stronger immune response than the regular adult vaccine.PHD will provide adult flu shots at the Bonners Ferry Senior Center, 6635 Lincoln St., on Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Vaccine for all ages will be available. No appointments are necessary. Cash and checks will be accepted for payment. PHD will bill insurance, so people should bring all insurance cards, including Medicaid and Medicare.For information, call 208-267-5558.

The flu season stretches from October through May and varies in severity each year. It hits the senior population the hardest with young children a close second. According to the CDC, about 90 percent of flu-related deaths in any single season occur in people older than 64.The United States averages 36,000 deaths per year from the seasonal flu, but flu deaths have ranged from 3,000 one year to 49,000 another. The number of flu cases any year is hard to know because flu isn’t a reportable disease.

Flu is a respiratory illness. Symptoms include fever, dry cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue and chills. People with symptoms should stay home to recover and to prevent spreading the virus to others.The flu is contagious before symptoms start, so practicing good hygiene at all times can help prevent its spread. PHD recommends people:

·Get a flu vaccination.·Wash hands often and particularly after sneezing and coughing.

·Avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.·Cover their coughs and sneezes or cough into their sleeve.

·Stay home when sick.