Friday, March 14, 2025

Westside Road closure planned

| August 22, 2014 9:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — The Westside Road will be closed for two to four days sometime in the next month or so (probably in September) to replace the twin culverts at Cascade Creek with a single arch structure.

Boundary County Road and Bridge is requesting input from the users of this road so they can schedule the closure with the least possible impact. The new structure will be pre-fabricated as much as possible to insure a quick installation.

This project is being funded with transportation dollars awarded to the Kootenai NWR and is co-sponsored by Boundary County and the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.

Please call us with any questions or concerns as soon as possible at 267-3838 or email us at

This will involve a detour through Copeland for a day or two for those commuting north of Cascade Creek, located about 1.8 miles north of the Refuge headquarters and a quarter mile north of the junction with USFS Myrtle Creek Road.