Sunday, February 23, 2025

Veterans down the list for health care treatment

| June 19, 2014 8:17 AM

Here’s the sad truth about the Veterans Administration health care scandal that no one talks about.

If you are a crack addict you might get better healthcare. If you are a third generation welfare recipient you might get better healthcare. If you are a felon rapist you might get better healthcare. If you are a Gitmo detainee you might get better healthcare.

However, if you are a young man or woman who raised your right hand, took the oath to protect and defend, you may not get the healthcare you were promised. Decades of promises are unfulfilled by both political parties including the current occupant of the White House.

Odds are good that Obama made his promise during a speech just before a golf game. Nothing is going to change except Gen. Shinseki will resign or be fired. Then we will get to witness another press conference with smiling Republicans and Democrats congratulating each other on what great work they have done for the American veteran.

If you are a veteran who is receiving decent care, as I am, be thankful. One percent of us go out and do the heavy lifting for this nation. Surely funds can be diverted from those who do nothing to veterans who have put everything on the line. The fact is big government throwing money at a problem generally doesn’t fix anything. Somehow we must honor the contract our nation has made with our veterans.

Dennis L. Minnick
