Friday, March 14, 2025

Naples school can be kept open

| May 16, 2014 9:58 AM

Let’s work together and keep Naples school open!

I attended for the first time a school board meeting regarding next year’s budget on May 6. I heard rumors that the school board planned to close Naples school and move all the students to Valley View and I wanted to learn more about it. I did not think Valley View could accommodate another 150 children in their building, but then heard another rumor that the fifth graders would be moved to the Middle School. This would mean that my ten year old daughter would be with 13 and 14 year old kids.

After a 20 minute presentation of rather complicated calculations and graphs, I learned that the school budget will be cut by $270,000 for next year, mostly due to decreasing student enrollment and state funding. The discussion became rapidly heated when the board suggested as a possible solution for the shortfall to close Naples school and move the teachers to Valley View, which will be losing five teachers next year. The audience, composed mostly of Naples residents, started to argue with the board who became defensive and tried to justify their actions. As the debate became non-productive, I left the meeting and therefore do not know what happened next.

It seems to me that playing the blaming game will not resolve the situation. Mr. Steve Morton, principal of Naples Elementary school, found a brilliant plan that needs to be tried. His proposal is to bring a total of 26 children from Valley View to Naples school. His simple plan should satisfy both the school board (saving $200,000) and Naples residents (by keeping the school open). It would also save money regarding transportation and would prevent the drastic school closure.

I believe that the school board and Naples school/support group should work together to make this plan work. While school is still open for a few more weeks, the first step should be to give a notice to all children attending Valley View of the possibility for them to attend Naples school next year. The advantages would be to attend a smaller school and the opportunity to participate in the HATS program (Magnet school) that is not offered at Valley View. A transportation system could be put in place to bring them to Naples and back. This could easily be set up by the school board.

The second step would be to organize an open day/registration session to invite the parents and see how many are interested to have their kids attend Naples school next year. This could be scheduled after school on a first come first serve basis. If the demand is high, there could be a waiting list set up in case some parents change their mind between now and next year.

There are only three weeks left before the end of the school year. Let’s get to work and make this happen.

Didier Balcaen
