Monday, March 10, 2025

Notes from Boise

Thank you to the Herald for this space to try to keep readers up to date on some of the proceedings of the Idaho Legislature!

The Legislature has begun on a positive note and I am optimistic that much can be accomplished in the next three months. On Monday, Jan. 12, Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter delivered his annual State of the State and budget address to the Legislature. I was optimistic about what the governor had to say in two areas in particular — education and transportation.Governor Otter spoke decisively about bringing education funding back up to the level that it needs to be. I was very encouraged to hear his commitment to our education system.

The economic down turn of the last several years crippled our ability to fund our education system at a level that we were previously able to do. We are now at a point where we can begin to make up the funding our schools lost during the downturn and continue to demonstrate that K-12 schools are our top priority.The governor proposed a budget for public schools for next year that has a 7.4 percent increase in state general funds — that's over a $100 million increase over this year's budget. It is also enough funding to bring schools back up to $57.2 million over the 2009 budget level. As the vice chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, I will continue my hard work to ensure that Idaho schools are funded from the state and to try to reduce the need for funding on the local property taxes for the basic system.

The Legislature has had a lot of discussion about ways to improve our failing road and bridge system. Study after study has shown us that our roads and bridges are quickly deteriorating at a rate in which we have not been able to keep up.The people of our area are particularly aware of the transportation challenges that our state faces. We have miles of roads and bridges that are not being properly maintained — not to mention the backlog of much-needed expansions and improvements.

Much like owning a home, making repairs to our roads now will save us millions of dollars going forward. In fact, studies tell us that every dollar we invest now in our roads and bridges will save motorists and taxpayers $6 to $14 later.These improvements are needed to maintain our ability to easily move goods and services around our state and to make roads safer for Idaho families. I am the senior member of the Senate Transportation Committee and will continue my efforts to ensure that Idaho builds and maintains a transportation system that is safe and reliable.

I agree with Gov. Otter when he said “... after education, investing in infrastructure is among the smartest, most cost-effective and frankly essential uses of taxpayer dollars to promote the public's general welfare and sustain economic growth.”As you know, I take great pride in keeping you up to speed on what's happening at the Capitol. You can follow my Facebook page, Senator Shawn Keough. I will use this page for timely information about this year's legislative session. You can send me an email message at

Also, for information on the bills that are being considered this session, please go to our website. You will find information on legislation, be able to listen in or watch committee proceedings, and send comments to legislators.Though it is tough to be away from home, I feel honored and privileged to serve the citizens of our area in the Idaho State Senate. Thank you, and, stay in touch!
