Sunday, March 09, 2025

Supports the levy

| January 23, 2015 8:00 AM

I just usually don’t get much involved with politics, but I just wanted to put in my two cents worth about the possibility of many of the elective classes, ie: music, drama, band, and art; not to mention sports, being dropped.

My children are still in elementary school at Valley View, but we plan on sticking around town through their high school years. It would devastate this community to lose any of these programs.

This is a small community, so obviously there is less participation in these activities, but the students in these programs are thriving! To lose these programs would mean losing families to other districts, as well as well-rounded educational benefits.

My kids, even at the young ages that they are, have been involved in many sports activities as well as several drama productions, music and others over the last few years, be it the summer theater or the Christmas performance and have memories and experiences they will never forget.

Our children NEED the arts, they NEED activity. They need to know what is like to get out of their little video game-playing, TV-watching, non homework-doing boxes and experience adolescence to its fullest.

The sports director and the directors of drama/music have done fantastic jobs, and worked incredibly hard to give these students some of the best education and life experiences they can get. Some of the best memories they will have, that will last a lifetime, are in the locker room or on the stage! Don’t take this away!


Bonners Ferry