Friday, March 14, 2025

Are you ready to jump? Polar Bear Plunge March 21

| March 6, 2015 8:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — You have the opportunity to support our Special Olympians by participating in the Penguin Plunge.

For the fifth year, teams and Law Enforcement Officers will be “Taking the Plunge” by jumping into Kootenai River to raise funds for Idaho Special Olympics.

It is fun and exciting with many participants in costume; imagine Halloween goes swimming with ices cubes.

The Plunge is on March 21 at the Search and Rescue/Waterways Building with registration at 11 a.m. and the plunge starting at noon. Minimum age for the plunge is 14. All spectators are welcome.

Plungers and plunge teams collect pledges that help to raise money and awareness for Special Olympics, and without those funds Idaho Olympic Athletes would not have the opportunity for their special day.

All donations raised go to benefit Idaho Special Olympics.

The Law Enforcement Explorers will have a table set up at Super One on March 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with registration forms, information and ways that you can support or get involved. In addition some local business will be taking donations for a Penguin card that you can sign your name on and have displayed at the business.

Judging for best costume, most team spirit, most donations, along with a special spectator’s choice award will be done with prizes in each category, and all photos of the Plunge will be available for viewing on a Flicker site for the world to enjoy.

Judges this year include 2015 Distinguished Young Woman Mariah Rae, Bonners Ferry Middle School teacher Clint Arthur and Bonners Ferry City Councilman Rick Alonzo.

Put your plunge team together, or jump alone. Get your pledges from those who won’t plunge and come join the fun and frolic. Warm food and beverage will be available after those chilling moments in the Kootenai River and all participants will receive a Penguin Plunge Towel.

Bonners Ferry Penguin Plunge website at:

Contact Kramer at 255-6073 with questions.