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Rotary, Food Bank, others work to insure a Happy Thanksgiving

| November 25, 2015 2:00 AM

Thanksgiving is a holiday where Americans can be grateful for what they have, and take pleasure in helping as much as they can for those in need.

For some organizations, such as the Community Action Partnership, the local chapter of Rotary International and many other businesses and organizations in the community, the giving back continues year-round, providing families the necessities needed to survive and thrive. This year, Rotary, in conjunction with Akins Harvest Foods, donated 50 turkeys to the food bankk, while Akins donated 10 turkeys and $100. Ron Sukenik, president of Rotary, said the organization is based on helping the community.

“It’s important to help those in need to be able to enjoy the holidays,” Sukenik said. “It’s all a part of giving back.”

Liz Bigsby, Community Engagement Liaison for Community Action Partnership, said the food shelf was grateful for the donations of the turkeys by the Rotary and Akins, as well as the Salvation Army for putting together holiday baskets.

“We here at CAP offer Holiday Baskets brought in by the Salvation Army,” Bigsby explained. “All the fixins except the turkey. So Linda Alt and the Rotary together with Akins Harvest Food brought us 50 turkeys to put with our Holiday Baskets. We handed them out Friday, Nov. 20, at the CAP office/ FOOD BANK. For future food drives or donations, we are asking that you contact Community Action Partnership prior to your event so that we may offer you a Food Drive Tool Kit and also to help arrange pick- up and drop offs for donations. We want to make accommodations with you, the community and the stores involved so obligations can be met.”