Thursday, February 27, 2025

BCMS newsletter: students wrap up Penny War fundraiser, look forward to Christmas break

| December 1, 2016 12:00 AM

Our Penny War fundraiser was a fantastic success! Through the efforts of our students and the competitive nature of our school, we were able to raise $1,517.40 to donate to local organizations. The money was split and checks given to the local Legion and VFW chapters.

BCMS celebrated Veteran’s Day a day early by hosting local veterans and treating them to a celebration of their service. Students and staff welcomed our veterans while sharing a message dedicated to thanking veterans for their sacrifice. A huge thank you to the community volunteers who helped put this together as well as the many students who worked to make this event successful. Most of all, thank you to the veterans who have served our country!

Debate class has been debating their topics. Students are doing a fantastic job gathering resources and evidence to support their claims.

We met our goal for the Book Fair!

We sold $2240.22 worth of merchandise which means Mr. Miles will soon allow some lucky person to throw a pie in his face. Great job staff and students of encouraging reading and getting involved with the various Book Fair activities.

This year’s Scratch for schools event took place in Coeur d’Alene and BCMS took 3rd place in the scratch competition raising almost $400. The scratching was furious and BCMS staff literally bled to do this well.

Josh Sundquist will be speaking at BCMS on Dec. 1st from 10:30-11:30a.m. in the gym. Please come listen to his inspirational message to our student body.

A’ric Jackson will be here to visit with our leadership group on Dec. 5th.

The first BCMS Chess Tournament will occur from Dec. 5th through the 21st with the championship match played on the 22nd. This is a completely student led event and we are looking forward to the competition.

BCMS is currently looking for parents who would be interested in discussing ideas and sharing information from Boundary County Middle School. We are also interested in 8th grade parents willing to be the 8th grade promotion dance committee. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please come to BCMS on Dec. 6th at 3:00pm to meet with Mr. Miles and discuss options.

Wrestling is almost done. Both home meets have already occurred and districts will be at Kellogg on Dec. 8th. We have a fantastic group of dedicated wrestlers this season.

BCMS will have a “Wear a Hat Day” fundraiser on Dec. 8th to raise money for Turkeys to donate to the community. Other donations will gladly be accepted in the office.

Mid-term is already upon us! The halfway point of the second quarter is Dec. 8th and report cards will be sent home with students one week later.

First Lego League will be hosting a robotics competition on Dec. 10th. Teams from all over the region will convene to compete in this event all day. Contact Mr. Sanders for more information.

The band’s Christmas concert will be Dec. 12th at 7:00pm at Becker Auditorium.

Basketball will start on Dec. 12th with practices after school.

Choir will host a concert on Dec. 15th at Becker Auditorium at 7:00pm.

BCMS Leadership will be selling tickets to their Jolly Jars the week of Dec. 19. The money raised will go to support local community groups.

We will have an Activity Day on Dec. 22nd. This is also the last day of the year and we will be providing multiple options for students to have fun and relax before break begins.