Sunday, February 23, 2025

December news: An update from Valley View Elementary School

| December 15, 2016 12:00 AM

While I was a teenager I remember my mother telling me that the older you get the faster the years will pass by. That was a difficult for me to comprehend has a young man because I had many days that seemed to go on forever. I will admit that I didn’t really believe her then, but boy do I ever now!

I can’t believe it is already December and the halfway point of this school year is approaching quickly. Here at VVES we are finalizing our Christmas Program by decorating items, getting cookies ordered, and having the students rehearse. It is going to be another wonderful evening and we hope that you can attend. This year the program will be at the middle school on Thursday, December 15th and will start at 6:00 pm. If you have students in the program please drop them off at 5:40 pm. Thank you!

Last month VVES celebrated the character trait of citizenship. The following students were selected by their teachers for displaying great citizenship. They are: Kayden Jones, Colt Barras, Piper Mertzweiller, Eric Brooks, Andrew Langan, Riley Jones, Jaycie Spencer, Cooper Higgins, Peyton Hinthorn, Lilly Bermer, Basil Michaels, Miley Fleck, Kimberly Lucas, Sky Alt, Morgan Tye, Tyson Tadlock, and Riley Petesch! Congratulations to all students for being wonderful examples of citizenship.

Mrs. Petesch is at it again with putting on the Elks National Free Throw Shoot contest this year. Many students are competing and doing very well! The final results will be in next month’s newsletter and we look forward to celebrating with all the leaders.

This month the Family Fitness Challenge winner is a young lady in Mrs. Fuentes’ 4th grade classroom, and her name is Sydney Hinthorn! Congratulation Sydney! If you would like more information regarding the Family Fitness Challenge, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Petesch at the school.

This month the VVES 5th Grade Leadership Team collected donated toys for the local Care and Share program. They did a fantastic job and many toys were donated to this great cause. Thank you to all of those families that contributed new or slightly used toys, and we hope that the holidays are a little brighter for the children that receive them.

The staff and I hope that you have a joyous holiday season and we look forward to seeing all of our students and parents once again on Monday, Jan. 9. Until then, we encourage you visit the public library and read as much as you can over the break.

For all upcoming events please visit our webpage at:

Happy Holidays,

Mr. Williams

VVES Principal