Friday, March 14, 2025

Fry Healthcare Foundation's 8th Annual Golf Tournament a success

by For the Herald
| July 7, 2016 1:00 AM


Courtesy photo Flight A Winners Kevin Shea and Phil Pollaccia with their team from NW Academy From left to right: Kevin Shea, Kevin Able, Thomas Wray and Philip Pollacia.

A little rain could not dampen the fun at the Fry Healthcare Foundation’s 8th Annual Golf Tournament held on Friday, June 10, 2016.

Teams had a shotgun start at Noon and played 18 holes. Sponsors for the Golf Tournament included Rick and Janice Lozoya, Yellowstone Insurance Exchange, Kootenai Health, Idaho Forest Group, Gardiner Prime Angus Beef, Blanche Studer and Elaine Morgan, Columbia Bank, P1FCU, Karen and Richard English, Pace-Kerby & Co. Inc., and Riverside Auto Center. Auburn Crest Hospice, Judy Lovse, Blanche Studer, Elaine Morgan, and Riverside Auto Center, Akins Harvest Foods, Edward Jones, Festival of Sandpoint, Sugar Plum Floral, Stone Ridge Golf Community, Triple Play Family Fun Park, and The Davenport Hotel donated prizes, cash, and gift baskets.

A hole-in-one at Hole #8 ensured the winning of a Yamaha Side by Side, 4-Wheeler valued at $14,000 donated by Boundary Tractor Co. Unfortunately, no one managed to make it, although several made it to the green.

Tournament Winners are Kevin Shea and Phil Pollacia, Flight A and Travis Delaney and Jerry Jimenez, Flight B. Longest Drive for men was Jeremy Hill, while Longest Drive for women was Julie Williams. Jeremy Hill sank the Longest Putt and Travis Delaney made Closest to the Pin. Kevin Shea showed his form with the Accuracy Drive award.

The Golf Ball Drop, with a total of 275 balls purchased, was a crowd-pleaser. LifeFlight Network, a medical transport company, donated an LG 50-inch Smart TV as the prize for the golf ball that rolled into, or came closest to Hole #9. Paul Reiss and family are this year’s lucky winner.

All proceeds from this tournament benefit the Foundation’s annual campaign in support of Boundary Community Hospital. Over the past twenty years, the Fry Healthcare Foundation and our community have raised over $1 Million to benefit the hospital. We are very grateful for your continued support that ultimately benefits everyone who relies on Boundary Community Hospital for emergency and routine care. Be sure to save the date for next year’s Golf Tournament on Friday, June 9, 2017. The Tournament is open to all.

After 20 successful years of Festival of Trees events, the Fry Healthcare Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce we are replacing the Festival of Trees with the Festival of Hearts to be held February 11, 2017 at the Kootenai River Inn. Watch for more information on this new tradition.