Saturday, March 01, 2025

Rod Benders gearing up for June 4th Jamboree

by For the Herald
| June 2, 2016 1:00 AM

If you are a vintage car buff who can’t wait to show off the Model-T or the classic Edsel you’ve been scraping your knuckles on in the garage during the winter months, you’ve got good reason to rejoice. The Bonners Ferry Rod Benders 17th annual Borders 3 Jamboree is almost upon us. Set for the first Saturday in June, this will be on Main street and will have the feelings of a giant Block Party with vintage car owners displaying their rides of cars, pickups and roadsters.

From coupes to convertibles, street racers to totally restored cars, the June 4th event has been drawing crowds of spectators throughout the Inland Northwest and Canada.

Each year, the number of show registrations has steadily increased maxing out last year at 212 cars attending this happening on Main Street.

This year there will be 20 Trophy awards presented to the outstanding cars attending. Categories are: TOP 12, Mayors Trophy, Best in Show, Long Distance plus others.

There will be Hula Hoop and Limbo contests for the young at heart. Games begin at one o’clock.

Friday Evening: Come join our Friday Evening Car Cruise. Meet at the Visitor’s Center parking lot at 5:30 for directions. This is always a fun evening on the night before the show.

For info, call: Ken at 290.4030.