Sunday, February 23, 2025

Earl D. Retford

| June 30, 2016 1:00 AM

Earl D. Retford passed away on June 10, 2016 at his home near Sagle, Idaho. There will be a “Celebration of Life” at 7th day Adventist Church at 2235 Pine St., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864 At 3:00pm on Sunday, July 10, 2016. All his family and friends are invited to share their Special memories of Earl at this time.

Earl was born on August 14, 1925.

Earl left peacefully, having lived a full and interesting life. He was a WWII veteran and loved to share his life stories with all. He will be greatly and sorely missed by his wife, Virginia J.

Retford, his three sons: Eric Retford, Michael Retford andSteve Retford. His grandsons: Chris Retford, Michael J. Retford, Brian Retford, and Bailie Retford, and his great-grandsons: Ian Retford and Oliver Retford.

Also one remaining sibling: Tom Retford, and the families of all of the above: plus many Cousins and many dear friends too numerous to list.

He was proceeded in death by his father Earl Retford, Sr., his Mother, Eva Retford, and his brothers: Roger Retford and William Retford.