Friday, February 28, 2025

Kirby seeking re-election as Boundary County Commissioner

by Don Cogger Staff Writer
| May 5, 2016 1:00 AM


Waly Kirby

County Commissioner Walt Kirby has spent the last 13 years serving the residents of Boundary County.

He plans to continue his journey as commissioner with a little help from his friends during the local primary election May 17. Asked why he decided to run for re-election, he stated the answer was simple.

“I’m running again so that I might continue to serve the citizens of Boundary County as commissioner with the same calm approach to duties that we as commissioners are charged with.

With 60 years of life and work experience, I bring to the office of commissioner a knowledge base which I have found invaluable over the last 13 years as commissioner. This experience has enabled me to participated fully in the decision making process which has resulted in the smooth workings of the office.”

The commissioners have dealt with a number of issues this year, and should he be re-elected, he looks forward to the challenge of continuing to move the county forward.

“The issues that face the commission on a day to day basis are all very important to citizens of our county,” he said. “We, as commissioners, work very hard to make sure that each are handled in an expeditious manner that solves the problems, keeps the county out of court and is fair and just.”

As for issues Kirby is most concerned about, the list runs the gamut from environmental to economic.

“There are many serious issues evolving in our county requiring the commissioners continuous attention. Environmental, legal, economic, all of which deserve our full attention. These issues must be met “head on” which has been the practice of the board for the last seven years. Which, I might add very successfully. I would hope to continue this type of service when re-elected.”

Kirby and his family arrived in Boundary County almost 50 years ago, and a career as a working man soon followed. He and his wife of 63 years are still going strong, and his love for the community is evident.

“There’s lot’s of local history here and many stories,” Kirby said. “Somewhere around 2002 I was extended the invitation to enter a political arena as a candidate for commissioner. This is how I got here 13 wonderful years later. On today’s date I am still married (63 years, same wife, grownup kids and another dog) and elected commissioner. I do have a “previous life” in another part of the U.S. I was born in 1930 (that makes me 85) I am in excellent health, happy, with so much to tell you that I can’t start here. Suffice to say I would really appreciate Boundary County electing me to County Commissioner District 2 that I may continue as your “workingman” Commissioner, that I may continue making the correct decisions in that office.”