Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Traveling back in time: This date in Bonners Ferry history

| May 5, 2016 1:00 AM

100 Year

J.L. Nave was taken sick Wednesday with an attack of the measles. The children of C.W. Merquier have the measles and a number of cases have been reported from all parts of the city.

Thomas McKenzie, one of the earliest settlers of this district and now residing on his ranch in the Curley Creek district, was in town Monday. Mr. McKenzie tells that when he first came to this county Bonners Ferry was inhabited only by Indians. He predicts that the coming season will be extremely dry.

Someone shot a valuable collie dog Tuesday morning which belonged to Malcolm Bruce. The dog was well trained to herd the Bruce stock and could single out the cattle by name. Mr. Bruce valued the dog very highly and would not have taken $100 for him.

H.H. Patterson has a contract for hauling ore from the Idaho Continental mine from the mine to the Great Northern railway at Porthill, a distance of some 26 miles.

He will use two Jeffrey four wheel drive, two ton trucks and will work two shifts. It is figured that 20 tons of ore will be hauled each day.

At the meeting of the town trustees Tuesday night it was decided to make a number of temporary improvements of the town’s burial grounds.

Councilman Reed suggested that the town turn the cemetery over to a cemetery association. The present burial grounds are poorly fenced, there is but little available land left and it is utterly impossible to keep it in any kind of shape.

50 Year

Three members of the board of directors of the Boundary County TV Translator association went to the top of 6,085 Black mountain, seven miles southeast of Bonners Ferry, to check snow conditions and take necessary measurements for installation this summer of television translator facilities at the site.

Alvin Flory, fire control officer for the Bonners Ferry ranger district, and Ed Atkins made the long trek to the west fork of Smith creek and recorded the snow depth at 81.9 inches, water content, 42.4 inches, and density at 51.7 percent. The readings compare with last year’s figures of 84.7 depth, 44.2 water content, and 52.1 density.

County Road Foreman Art Campbell announced today that the low water bridge at the mouth of Deep creek is underwater and closed to traffic. He also stated that efforts will be made to keep the West Side detour route fully maintained.

O.K. Tire Store 1 cent sale. Buy one at regular price, get second tire for only 1 cent. All sizes. All tires mounted free.

Seen and Heard….Earl Lane with a broken leg and Bob Howard with an achin’ back after being thrown from horses.

15 Year

With a major energy crisis breathing down its throat, the city of Bonners Ferry had to swallow an even harder pill than anticipated last week when it learned that Bonneville Power Administration may increase the city’s wholesale electrical rates to an incredible 250 per cent in October.

With a life sentence hanging in the balance, District Judge James Michaud gave William Tharp, 45 of Bonners Ferry, a minimum two year but not more than seven year sentence on an amended felony charge of delivery of a controlled substance April 13.

William’s Boys (formerly the Byler Brothers – Ted, Ed, Jeff and Marcus from Boundary County) released their first album entitled El Dorado last month. They began recording the album in October of 2000, according to Joel MacDonald, owner and operator of MCCBS where the recording was made and produced.

The Bonners Ferry boys golf team defeated Timberlake by 32 strokes April 26 in an IML dual at the Mirror Lake Golf Course by a score of 172-204.