Friday, March 14, 2025

Time for Glen Rohrer

| May 12, 2016 1:00 AM

Senator Keough is not a true supporter of small business. In 2010, she pushed for rule changes at the Idaho Department of Lands that would only award logging contracts to companies based on highest financial portfolios, over qualifications. A new or small company simply could not be awarded a contract based on these rules. The rules were unanimously denied by members of the Idaho House and Senate. Six months later she was right back at it pushing for these rules of exclusion. As Executive Director of the Idaho Associated Logging Contractors, she is collecting dues from small logging and related companies in the industry, then lobbying behind their backs to put them out of business. The latest company to fold was Blue North Forest Products in Kamiah (just last week) because of the difficulty in procuring logs. It’s time to stop the cronyism and vote for Glen Rohrer.

Todd Hatfield

Hatfield Log Homes

McCall, Idaho