Friday, March 14, 2025

Got your 6: Celebrate Armed Forces Day Saturday, May 21

by Sarah Jenkins
| May 19, 2016 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY-Armed Forces Day is a day to pay tribute to the men and women who serve the United States’ armed forces. Armed Forces Day is the third Saturday of May which is also Armed Forces Week.

Military members and their families have been known for their rapport with one another. The bonds that tie are simply stated, “got your six.” I’ve got your back is a saying that originated back with World War I fighter pilots specifying the rear of the airplane-six o’clock position. Household six is a term used by a solider when referring to the duties of their spouse. Household six not only runs the household from day to day, but continues during deployments and training. Frequently, handling PCS (permanent change station) alone, raising their children, or POA (power of attorney) for their spouse.

The attraction of life in the military is different for everyone. For Travis Stolley, the attraction was to fly and earn a living. The fall after graduating from BFHS, Stolley joined the Marine Corps and headed off to training. In between the grueling training, he got married to his high school sweetheart.

Stolley spent eight years and nine months in the Marines as a helicopter Crew Chief. The opportunity to fly only began two years into his career. As a Crew Chief, his role was to see the entire picture. Lives depended upon it. According to Stolley, “there was no room for error; losing a tool or rag wasn’t an option.” Leadership was another life skill that attracted him to this career and helped with transitioning up to the next rank. He attributes his work ethics to growing up in the community of Bonners Ferry, “it got me where I was supposed to go,” stated Stolley.

Deployments were no stranger to the Stolley family; two tours in Iraq, 1 in Afghanistan and nine months attached to the Navy. Prior to the seven months deployment, there were the months of training which were often in CA away from his family in Camp La Jeune, NC. Family milestones were missed including the birth of their youngest child. Throughout all the ups and downs that military life throws at a solider, Stolley stated that he would never change his experience or regrets his decision. The bond that you experience with fellow military families-they are your chosen second family, he misses.

Today, Crew Chief Stolley is known as Officer Stolley. He is part of the BFPD and the new School Resource Officer for the county. This transition was natural for him and he loves the opportunity to work with the children in the community. He is also volunteering as the hunter safety instructor and with youth wrestling.

This is just one story of the many service members in our community. Serving our country is not an easy decision for the entire family. This Armed Forces Day is the time to show our gratitude for all those who have dedicated their time for our country.

“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” » James Allen