Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Traveling back in time: This date is Bonners Ferry history

| May 19, 2016 1:00 AM

History for May 19th, 2016

100 Year

Jim Lee, one of the oldest residents of this district, and for many years the proprietor of a hand laundry, moved Monday to Troy, Mont., where he will engage in the laundry business.

James Duncan, for a number of years trackwalker for the Great Northern railway company at Katka, died suddenly Monday morning of heart failure. Duncan dropped dead as he was operating the Boundary and Lincoln county ferry boat at Leonia. It was his first trip as ferryman, he having just received the appointment as successor of J.H. Meeks at a salary of $60. He was 76 years old.

The work of filling in Kootenai street from Main street to the Spokane International railway tracks was started yesterday morning, the contract having been let to W.A. Leslie to haul the gravel which is being furnished by the Spokane International railway company.

A laborer’s lien has been filed with the county clerk by John Summerset against the Idaho Gold and Ruby Mining company for $459.62 claimed to be due him for wages. Summerset alleges that he acted as engineer for the defendant company.

50 Year

Monday, May 23, will be D day – Diploma day – for 87 members of this year’s graduating class when the 58th annual commencement exercises will be held at the high school. Top scholastic honors were announced recently with Janet Mangum being named valedictorian with a per scholastic record of straight A’s during her four years in high school. Ranking second, is Kenneth Wombacher. He earned salutatorian honors with a grade point average of 3.714 based on the four point system for straight A.

A total of 141 students will receive eighth grade diplomas at the Naples, Mt. Hall and Valley View schools in graduation ceremonies to be held next Wednesday, May 25th, at 8:00 pm at the respective schools.

Louise Allen, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen of Paradise Valley was found safe nearly a mile from the family home after being lost for about 1 ½ hours last Saturday evening. An estimated 100 searchers were at the scene within a half hour and two CAP planes conducted an aerial search. The little girl was found unharmed and asleep by a stump in a densely wooded area shortly after 8:30 pm. She was found by Ralph Langford.

15 Year

With the recent news that the Aryan Nations are considering purchasing property in Boundary County, local teacher Sue Stolley is trying to show her students that the only way to counter hatred in your own backyard is to speak out against it – even if you’re only 13. Stolley had her 130 students work on writing letters to the editor of this newspaper about how they feel concerning the possibility of the Aryan Nations moving its compound to Boundary County.

Tiptoe through the tulips – they appear suddenly every spring, spread like a majestic carpet across the front lawn of the Kootenai Valley Motel in a breathtaking wash of color, a sure sign that summer is rushing into Boundary County at breakneck speed.

With a $10,000 donation from Ken Nail of Eastport Industries, Inc. Track 2000 has raised $145,848.73 in its general fund to build a new state-of-the-art rubberized track at Bonners Ferry High later this summer. Last Week Everhart Logging, Inc. donated $6,000 along with $200 from Julien and Nancy Bucher.

Both the Bonners Ferry boys and girls track teams grabbed second place, falling just points behind Lakeland which swept the team titles at the A-2 District meet at Van Tuinstra Memorial Field May 10 and 11.