Saturday, March 01, 2025

James Piotrowski (D), 49 Candidate for First District Representative to Congress Constitutional lawyer

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

1. This year I was inspired to run for office by Congressman Labrador’s crusade to transfer large swaths of public lands here in Idaho. Those public lands are a crucial part of what makes Idaho, Idaho. From hunting, fishing, and hiking, to logging, mining, and grazing, Idaho’s approach to multiple use, and public access, has shaped our way of life. As a passionate fly fisherman and hunter, I believe that Idaho deserves leadership that understands the value of our lands, and will fight to protect our heritage. While public lands initially got me into this race, I believe that this fight highlights a broader problem with our current representation. Congressman Labrador has continually gone to Washington, D.C. to serve his own political career and to chase an extreme ideology, at the expense of Idahoans. We deserve leadership that will put people above politics, and I hope to bring that to the 1st District of Idaho.

2. I have spent my career fighting for working families all across Idaho. I am a lawyer in the Treasure Valley, where I specialize in Constitutional law, employment law, and disability rights. For years I have fought employers who stole wages, bureaucrats who abused their power and government agencies that forgot they were supposed to be serving the needs of voters. Idaho deserves a representative that understands the challenges that working families face, and will work hard to represent them in D.C.

3. While there are many issues I care about, there are four in particular that I believe Idaho needs leadership to tackle immediately. If elected, my priorities would be to defend public lands, take care of our veterans, fully fund our schools, and protect social security and medicare.

I strongly believe that our public lands are an essential part of our heritage and economy here in Idaho. It is vital that we protect Idahoans access, and keep public lands in public hands.

Congressman Labrador has consistently voted against care for veterans. I could not disagree with Rep. Labrador more. Our veterans put their lives on the line, and our country has a moral obligation to ensure that they receive the care and benefits that they’ve earned.

I will work to fully fund our schools. Congressman Labrador voted against the Secure Rural Schools program, which brings millions of dollars into Idaho schools districts that are struggling. This is yet another example of Congressman Labrador taking an ideological position that serves his political career but goes against the interests of Idaho families.

Social Security and Medicare are also under attack by ideologues like Congressman Labrador, who seek to cut benefits and raise the retirement age. In Congress, I will work across the aisle to ensure that these vital programs stay solvent.

4. We need leadership that is willing to go to Washington, D.C. and put party loyalty aside. We need leadership that won’t just say “No” to every idea because it drums up media attention. I promise that I will not go to Washington, D.C. as a Democrat or a Republican, but as an Idahoan. When I look at issues like public land management, school funding, or veterans care, I see issues that both sides of the aisle can work on. It is time to put an end to gridlock and get Congress working for the people again.

5. We have had years of partisan gridlock, led by people like Congressman Labrador who would rather demonize the other side than actually roll up his sleeves and get the work done.

6. I promise to dedicate the majority of my time to working on the ground here in Idaho. Serving as a member of Congress does not just mean taking votes in D.C., but also coming home to provide leadership in Idaho.

7. This campaign has introduced me to so many incredible people and communities here in Idaho. I look forward to meeting many more, and getting to work...

8. Diversifying and strengthening our local economies is a particular challenge for Idaho’s First Congressional District. The path to building this future has three elements. First, we must insure that all of Idaho, even rural Idaho, has access to high-speed internet. Second, we must maintain our roads and bridges as the arteries of commerce. Last, we must create opportunities for workers to gain training that will get them higher-paying jobs.

9. I have campaigned hard on the issue of veterans care, and I believe that the media that has been far too easy on Congressman Labrador’s record. In 2014, Congressman Labrador was the ONLY representative in Congress to vote against funding for the VA, and he voted against Veterans again this year. I believe that our veterans should not used as a political tool to garner attention or push an ideology. We owe them far more than symbolic votes to strip them of their health care and benefits.

10. The harshest criticism is that I’m a Democrat.

I truly believe that my values are in line with the people of the first district. Defending public lands, standing up for our veterans, funding our schools, and protecting social security and medicare are not necessarily partisan issues. I will work with both sides of the aisle to make Idaho and even better place to live.

11. I am running because I want to provide real leadership to the people of Idaho. I will always put the needs our communities first.

12. What comes first, your constituents or your ideology? My answer would be that my constituents would always come first.