Friday, March 14, 2025

John White (IND), 72 Candidate for County Commissioner District Two Retired sawmill worker, carpenter

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

1. To give voters a non-party candidate that wouldn’t waste time and money campaigning, but would be more concerned with how to be truthful and perform responsibly to the people of Boundary County I will attempt to reduce misuse of power by those elected, appointed, or hired by federal, state and local government agencies.

2. A life of varied and often hard work. Ability to assess and solve complex problems, willingness to seek truth and act accordingly. Belief in higher sources of knowledge, guidance and help.

3. Property owners maintaining use and control of their lands, homes, and resources. Businesses such as John Deere leaving the area. Land and buildings being unused, reducing tax base and local services. Solid waste, closing of forests, harming human and animal habitat with herbicides and pesticides, Reactivation of local National Guard facilities for the use of local national Guardsman and local readiness. Avoid the unnecessary burden of maintenance expenses put on the county government. Improve influence to keep businesses in Boundary County. Keep roads and forests accessible and properly maintained.

4. Let people affected by such issues be heard and not controlled. Use influence to encourage businesses to stay local and maintain local service. With so much of the county under federal and state control, there is surely a suitable site available for a responsible local landfill. If not, we need to look into opening the way for a waste-to-energy plant. Stop roadside and forest spraying. Have persons and entities in control or in power, tell the truth, respond to the people of Boundary County, and act lawfully.

5. Keeping Boundary County a place where people can live, work, do business, travel, use resources and recreate, and where they can speak out and have their opinions heard safely. All this without undue rules and procedures and without fear of reprisals or being labeled dissidents, extremists, radicals, heretics, or other undesirable titles.

6. Ongoing pursuit of learning the job. Listening to the concerns of property owners and addressing problems of those who do not own property. Researching, reviewing, repealing when needed or enacting proper statutes, codes, regulations, procedures, etc. Making sound decisions and doing what needs to be done.

7. These are trying times, but I look forward to having a chance to participate and to act appropriately and effectively.

8. Standing up to outside controls and actions, especially those imposed by the federal government, for the betterment and well being of the people and animals of Boundary County.

9. Spending versus not spending on campaigns. More emphasis should be placed on character, truthfulness, openness, and present and future performance in office.

10. Not staging a money gathering and spending for a campaign. I’m not trying to buy a position, but am offering to honestly do the job. Campaigning takes time and money better used for accomplishing other tasks and responsibilities.

11. No matter your political party, religious beliefs, or personal opinions, everyone should put forth the effort to inform themselves and VOTE. It is important for everyone to exercise their agency, and to maintain their right to vote, practice religion, and pursue personal interests.

12. Are you running for the power of the office and for financial gain? Do you otherwise hope to serve for the betterment of the people of the county? I’m hoping to be able to have influence. The salary is excessive and should not be increased but decreased.