Friday, March 14, 2025

Kate McAlister (D), 57 Candidate for Idaho State District One Representative position A CEO of Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

1. North Idaho needs a representative focused on the job here in Idaho. Idahoans need to be the priority. I believe we need leadership based on common-sense solutions, not partisan or ideological convictions to bring balance to our political process. We deserve good government and a representative who will take all of us into consideration.

2. My life experiences, professional expertise, skills, political philosophy and understanding of the issues uniquely qualify me to represent our North Idaho community. I have a successful career in business management and I know I can create rational solutions to the problems faced by Idaho and District 1. I have experience bringing people together to create innovative solutions to complex problems.

3. Education - Lack of funding. We are 49th in the nation for spending per student and this is unacceptable. We need to give our children and grandchildren hope for a better future.

Economy – Economic development promoting free enterprise and growth to keep the Bonner and Boundary economy moving forward. We need to continue to support a business climate that retains and grows new jobs and an educational system that creates work-force ready employees.

Public Lands – Public Lands need to stay in public hands. Turning over the management to the state is not the answer for the health of our forests and natural resources. This would cost taxpayers millions for fire suppression and other costs.

4. Education - I want to accomplish the State Board of Education’s goal that 60% of young Idahoans will hold an industry-recognized credential, certificate or degree.

Economy – Keep working on growing our economy and supporting local business by being involved and listening to business owner concerns.

Public Lands – Support the efforts of participants, Federal, State and Industry, in the Good Neighbor Authority to keep our forests and watersheds healthy and sustainable. For sportsmen, families and all outdoor enthusiasts to be able to enjoy these beautiful places.

5. I worked on behalf of EVERYONE in my district. I listened, I showed up, I was fair, I collaborated and worked with my peers.. It’s about all of us working together to help all Idahoans. We all deserve representation.

6. Since I’ve never held a government elected position I imagine I will be spending a lot of time listening to different topics regarding Idaho issues, reading and researching various topics, going to committee meetings and spending time with constituents. I’ve worked hard my entire life so my work ethic will fit in with the environment.

7. Representing the people of N. Idaho and being a part of moving Idaho forward into a strong future for all of us.

8. Again, I feel it is the lack of educational funding and creating work-force ready students.

I will continue the work I have been doing as the Chamber of Commerce President these last seven years, bringing industry and education together to find solutions. It takes everyone participating to make things happen.

9. There is a lack of funding for providing opportunities for post-high school and beyond, creating workforce ready employees.

If you get up every day and go to work, work hard all day, you shouldn’t have to worry about tomorrow. We need to give people hope again.

10. For 1. Being a Democrat and 2. Being a part of the Angels Over Sandpoint Follies.

As to being a Democrat, like many of you, I am a product of my upbringing. I have always voted for the candidate who exhibited leadership and voted for the good of those they represent.

As to my participation in the Angels Over Sandpoint Follies; I am proud of the work we have done as part of the overall fundraising goals.

11. Please vote. I had a veteran come up to me at one of our events and he said “all those flags and ribbons are nice, but if you want to support a veteran, then vote. It’s what we fought, and continue to fight for.”

12. What does Leadership mean to you?

A leader takes in all information and makes the best decision affecting those they represent. An effective leader knows it’s not about sides, it’s about coming together.