Friday, March 14, 2025

Offensive political propaganda

| November 3, 2016 10:55 AM

Today I received an extremely offensive piece of political propaganda in the mail. A flyer paid for by Conservation Voters for Idaho Action Fund promoting Kate McAlister (affiliation not revealed) defaming Representative Heather Scott (R) to be “Too Extreme for Idaho”. A photo of Representative Scott holding a ‘General Lee’ Confederate battle flag implies that she is racist. I was incredulous; I watched Dukes of Hazzard as a kid, I guess that makes me racist too. I’m surprised the flyer didn’t include a photo of her holding a gun and insinuate by one of its claims that she is an “armed radical”. It is full of baseless, false accusations implying that she defends game poaching, supports radical patriot militia groups, anti-business in general and timber specifically. Perhaps if the propaganda sponsor is an actual Conservation block then they also would protest the continued clear cutting of our timber resources leaving whole mountain sides raped barren. This egregious mud-slinging and maligning of an anti-establishment public servant stinks of the same Hillary Clinton rhetoric calling half of the RNC candidate’s supporters “basket of deplorables”, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic”, and “irredeemable”. She even refers to “their offensive, hateful mean-spirited rhetoric”(Ironic, isn’t it?). That’s exactly what this Kate McAlister promotion is, offensive, hateful, and mean-spirited. Citizens of Idaho, don’t be duped by big fancy resumes and claims of a ‘Conservation’ lobby. Stick with truth; U.S. and Idaho Constitutional conservatives!

Ken Knowlton