Friday, March 14, 2025

Re-elect Heather Scott

| November 3, 2016 10:53 AM

I can’t remember the last time I wrote a letter to the editor of any newspaper, but it’s my pleasure to do so in this election to express my support for State Representative Heather Scott.

She has proven herself to be a true representative of the people. It shows in her actions, which have resulted in many awards and endorsements, the most recent from the 5 thousand small indpendent businesses in Idaho who are part of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, America’s leading small business association. Clearly, her voting record resonates with those who form the backbone of the American economy and provide the jobs we so desperately need.

We have long needed that kind of representation in Boise — a champion for free market principles and less taxes and regulations, who also keeps in mind state sovereignty and, above all, the Constitution.

Let’s keep her as our State Representative in District 1A!

Bud Sinclair

Bonners Ferry