Sunday, March 09, 2025

Sage Dixon (R), 47 Incumbent Idaho State District One Representative position B Electrical contractor

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

1. A desire to accurately represent the constituents of Dist. 1, and the opportunity to strengthen the State of Idaho.

2. An in depth understanding of the philosophies surrounding our Nation’s founding, and what the principles are that constitute good government.

3. Ensuring that our businesses are able to remain viable in Dist. 1, and providing as many educational opportunities as possible are important issues. These are important in order to maintain our quality of life and to provide a strong future for our children.

4. I have been working on these issues by having conversations with constituents, businesses and education stakeholders in Dist. 1, as well as the work I have been doing on the Education, Business, and Transportation Committees.

5. I hope to leave Idaho a stronger, more independent State with a predictable, transparent government in which each branch takes its responsibility to the people of Idaho seriously. Government is becoming more and more centralized, and historically this has led to an unresponsive and oppressive government.

6. A typical workday starts at 5:30, arrive at the Capitol around 7, go over emails and legislation until morning Committee meeting at approx. 8, House floor Session begins at approx. 10:30, usually a lunch meeting upon adjournment, afternoon Committee meeting at 1, after 3 there is time to study legislation, check emails, have meetings, until dinner meetings, usually home by 9 and in bed by 11 after going over more legislation.

7. Continuing to represent Dist. 1 and working for issues that are important to our District and the State of Idaho.

8. Recruiting and retaining businesses is a large challenge that can be solved by eliminating regulation, lower taxes, and encouraging a skilled employee pool.

9. The harm that EPA regulations are causing to our agricultural community.

10. That I somehow do not accurately represent all constituents in Dist. 1. This is an uninformed assertion, I have made an effort to speak with anyone who wishes to speak with me, and have proven myself to be someone who will listen to all concerns and discuss solutions.

11. That the greatest threat to our freedom is centralized government. Our founders know this, and protected against it, but we have allowed it to creep in slowly, so that we no longer recognize the danger.

12. What is the role of the States in our Constitutional Republic?

The States are responsible for everything not specifically enumerated to the Federal Government in the Constitution.