Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Steve Tanner (D), 63 Candidate for State Senator for Legislative District One Log home builder and timber products manufacturer

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

1. Samuel Adams said “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” That time has come. The Supreme Court continues to base its opinions upon political correctness, not upon the original intent of the Constitution. Last year’s “gay marriage” decision was another watershed issue in our nation’s clear descent away from truth and right. The State has become the mother that seeks to provide cradle to grave guidance and protection, while freedom and responsibly are outdated and even outlawed.

America was founded by men who believed in absolutes, they lived knowing who created them and were not only grateful to Him for life and liberty but knew someday they would answer for their actions or inactions. (a day of judgment)

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said the communists murdered 60 to 65 million, and it happened to the Russian people because “we forgot God”. To paraphrase his warning to the west –‘you do not think it can happen to you, BUT IT CAN.’ We are on a suicidal course and must alter it. We cannot survive without rekindling the knowledge that God is our Creator, lawgiver and that all of life is governed by His absolutes.

Our current Senator voted for issues like Obama care on a state level, and the recognizing of “gay” marriage, when it is expressly prohibited by the Idaho State Constitution. These are only a few of the votes that our current Senator has supported that are totally at odds with what is right. I further believe the Supreme Court has violated its proper role and it Is the citizen as well as each elected officials duty to go by the original intent of the Constitution no matter what the majority of 9 black robed judges decide. Our form of government will not stand unless each branch exercises it check on unlawful court rulings.

2. I have lived in District 1 longer that any of the legislative candidates, not only growing up here but being involved in multiple private enterprises. I have operated businesses in a logging, construction, Log home building / timber frame and Manufacturer of timbers, and timber and log products. I have seen firsthand the waste and abuse of the forests by the federal government in our district. My wife and I (mostly my wife) have home schooled our 8 children.

I believe that understanding that our nation and state were founded upon the recognition that we are “grateful to Almighty God for our freedom” is paramount. I recognize it is the responsibility of each citizen to live in the fear of God and that the government’s proper role is to do justice, ruling in the fear of Him. It is not the duty of government to be a big brother or mother to the people, and those forms of government that have done this produce slavery not freedom. Freedom has a risk and that risk is far more palatable that slavery.

3. RULE OF LAW There is a huge lack in our current government as to it’s proper role. That being to do justice, both in the criminal area as well as economically. The current status quo is concerned with tax and spend. The U.S. Constitution prohibits the states from using anything but gold and silver coin.(Article 1 Section10) A hard currency provides just weights and balances’ and promotes honest industry. Most do not know that our nation was on the verge of collapse following the revolutionary war prior to the adoption of the constitution. The colonies had unbacked paper currency, the monetary system was inflated to the point in some cases it was worthless. This all changed when the constitution established a hard money system and prohibited the state from using anything else. The current Federal Reserve System is not only unconstitutional but a corrupting influence on all commerce, while allowing the few to manipulate the wealth and policies of the nation, and even the world. We need to return to constitutional monetary system to provide a just and stable economic system.

JUSTICE We need to establish justice, that means for those who steal paying back what they have stolen, and in some cases multiple times. For those who have committed capital offences they would be executed speedily. Our prisons are full and there should be little or no place for prisons, when justice is done. Warehousing people has not worked and will not work.

EDUCATION The basics of education must inculcate into the youth that they were created in His image, that His law is the guide for life and they will someday answers for their actions. The foundations of Humanism and Communism is the religious teachings of evaluation, in which man is evolved from slime or monkeys, thus there are not absolutes , no day of accountability, only the survival of the fittest, or might makes right. The last century millions upon millions have been murdered by man acting on this LIE. Our public schools have rejected God thus have become little more than incubators for socialism. They consume about 60% of the total state budget and are for the most part producing the economic and social problem of today. These man centered philosophy will only produce slavery and death.

4. Most know there is a problem but do not know what to do about it. It is not the government’s duty to raise and teach the children, it is the parents. The schools system needs to have their budgets slashed while at the same time teaching in the fear of God. Proper state and local government must demand from the federal government to abolish the Federal Reserve and again coin silver and gold coin thus removing the control of the international bankers.

We need to start the process of revamping the “justice” system to real justice by getting ride of bad law, while requiring just punishment for crime and restitution to those wronged.

Free men must resist the temptation to let go of their duty, for it has always been easyer for man to silp into slavery than extersizing the virtue to remain free. Again to quote Jefferson: “I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

5. America was known as the great experiment of freedom, can man govern themselves or do they need masters? Virtue and faith are indispensable to be free. We often here that America gets it strength from being a melting pot of diversity, but this is not true. America was great because we were good, that our virtue and faith required for freedom was rooted and grounded in knowing we were endowed by Christ with not only rights but duties to honor and obey, and doing what was right. The father of the American revolution, Samual Adams said: “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” If we do not respond to the present attacks on absolutes and what is right -when will we?

6. Work!

8. There will be continued Federal overreach and we need to work to counter that by requiring the federal government to adhere to the original intent of the constitution. Private enterprise suffers under overregulation both by the state and federal overreach, these must be curtailed. The monetary system is based upon a lie and will fail, we must work to reestablish the sound monetary policy set in the Constitution. The proper foundations of education must be reestablished.

9. Shawn Keogh has voted for and promoted the ever increasing bureaucratic government. She has voted for implementing state ‘Obama care”, the state recognizing same sex “marriage” in the tax code, voted for state control and licensing in many areas like, midwifes, massage therapists and contractors. Voted against parental notification for minors having abortions. Voted against legislation criminalizing the killing or injury of an unborn child during a brutal attack on its mother—Noah’s Law. Voted against protecting unborn children from pain.

10. My harshest criticism will be because I understand that the very nature of government, law, education, and all of life is religious and that we have adopted the religion of man being his own God. (Humanism, communism and their ilk) This will clearly lead only to slavery and death. Those who have adopted the modern religion of the state are diametrically opposed to this and will be at war with truth.

11. For We the People to acknowledge that there are moral absolutes, that God is the author of our life and all our blessings, that we as a nation would possess the humility and courage to turn from our wrong ways and seek Him.

To quote Jefferson- “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.

12. What is the proper role of government and what is valid Law?

James Madison said “We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.” I concur with his statement.