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Survival tips for big game hunters

| November 3, 2016 1:00 AM

Every fall, hunters get lost in the woods, and while most escape no worse than tired, chilled and hungry, the hazards of being lost in Idaho’s woods shouldn’t be underestimated. For that reason, Idaho Fish and Game reminds hunters of precautions they can take to prepare themselves for an unexpected stay in the woods:

> Don’t rely on electronics. Items like GPS receivers, cell phones and two-way radios are handy, but dead batteries or other malfunctions render them useless. A map and compass are low tech and less likely to fail, but you also have to know how to use them.

> Know the area you’re hunting. Always be conscious of your surroundings, prominent points, river or creek drainages, and occasionally turn around and look behind you so you will remember what it looks like when you’re coming back. If you’re on a trail, don’t hesitate put a temporary marker at intersections. Things can look different on your return, especially if you return in the dark.

> Let someone at home know where you will be hunting and when you expect to return. Often hunters are out longer thn expected, especially when they are pursuing big game animals far from a road. You may want to set an absolute deadline and have someone who can alert the authorities if you haven’t returned or contacted someone by that time.

> Ditto for your hunting partner. Hunters often get separated, so set up a rendezvous time and place and decide in advance when a third party will seek help if you or your partners do not return in time.

> Watch the weather. You’re more likely to get lost or turned around in poor visibility when it’s raining, foggy or snowing, which are also conditions under which you don’t want to be lost in the woods.

> Avoid cotton clothing. It provides no warmth when wet. Many hunters wear denim jeans, but there are better alternatives. Look for synthetic, breathable fabrics like modern “softshells”. They are more comfortable in nearly all conditions than traditional denim. Old-school wool is also better than cotton, and modern wool is comfortable and excellent insulation.

> Have a fire-starting kit. Whether matches, lighter or other devices, it should be weatherproof, and it never hurts to have more than one device, as well as tinder or fire starter. Know how to start a fire in all weather conditions.

> Bring a headlamp and extra batteries. They’re valuable for navigating early mornings or after dark.

> If you get lost, warmth, shelter and water should be your priorities. You can go days without food, but you have to stay warm and hydrated. But it’s never a bad idea to carry extra food with you.

> Dress in layers and be prepared for the worst weather. Teperatures can drop 30 or 40 degrees between day and night in the mountains. The weather can also change quickly during fall, and it’s not uncommon to go from warm and sunny to snowing within hours. A light, packable insulated jacket and a waterproof shell don’t weigh much or take up much space, and they provide good insulation in cold and wet weather. Keep them in a daypack and carry it with you.

> Survival kits are all the rage these days, but many are overkill. Think about the essentials you would need for an unplanned night in the woods.

> Have your vehicle ready for the backcountry and prepared for minor breakdowns, such as flat tires or dead batteries. A separate survival kit for your vehicle is a good idea because space and weight are less of an issue than when items must be carried on your person.

> If you get lost, admit it to yourself and prepare to spend the night out. Build a fire for warmth and companionship, and set up a shelter. Wandering around will make it harder for search and rescue personnel to find you. It also fuels your anxiety, preventing you from thinking clearly and making safe choices. This increases the chance that you could become injured or worse.

> If you take medication daily for a chronic condition, pack several days’ supply and take it with you. Tell your hunting partners of your medical condition and where in your pack your medication is located. This can make the difference between a minor incident and a life-threatening medical emergency.