Friday, March 14, 2025

Vote Heather Scott and Daryl Wheeler

| November 3, 2016 10:52 AM

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Idahoans, your protections in the precious Bill of Rights are safeguarded by incumbent Rep. Heather Scott. Reject the modern-day democratic party championed by crooked Hillary Clinton and Kate McAlister, sisters in democratic party societal degradation, in my opinion, and vote for incumbent, District 1A State Representative, Heather Scott, for wholesome, conservative leadership in North Idaho.

Rep. Heather Scott, reiterating, will protect the Bill of Rights for her constituents, something that Democrat Kate McAlister will not do. McAlister, i remind you, is a crooked Hilary clone who will fight against your gun rights, push for open borders and unlimited abortion, and incredibly higher taxes for public school progressive indoctrination of our children. If she says otherwise, I do not believe her, because she is a democrat, and that`s what they do. You know just like a rattlesnake bites you on the heel; why did you do that, you ask her, as you are dying from the venom? And Kate the Rattler replies: Becuase my dearest, polish Prince, I am a rattlesnake — a democratic party rattlesnake, and that`s what we do!

Vote for Rep. Heather Scott in pristine North Idaho my trusted friends and colleagues. With Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler, a constitutional sheriff and an outstanding lawman keeping Bonner County a nice place to live and recreate, working together with Heather Scott at the level, we have it made folks. We just have to keep the destructive Democrats and RINOS at bay!

Ron Adamik