Friday, March 14, 2025

Going once, going twice, sold!

by Dottie GrayHoward Kent For Herald
| November 17, 2016 12:00 AM

A good time was had by all at the Boundary County Historical Society and Museum fundraising dinner and auction on Saturday, Oct. 22. A capacity, crowd-filled, Portrait Hall, with lively chit-chat, laughter and spirits. Patrons enjoyed a superb prime rib/chicken marsala dinner, catered by Jill at the Rusty Moose Tavern & Grill. Dessert followed as slices of assorted pies were served, compliments of Safeway.

Auctioneer Dave Gause, was in true form, coaxing very generous bids from an eager and willing audience. Silent auction baskets and items were also generously attended with a few bidding wars taking place before the finals were posted. A lively game of “heads & tails,” led by Cal Russell, kept everyone laughing. Sue Kemmis and Dottie Gray concocted a Museum Trivia table activity that had some adventuresome folks scurrying to various exhibits inside the museum to find answers. A wide variety of artifacts from the museum’s collection was disbursed on the tables, and each group had to determine what it was and what it was used for. Lively discussion and much laughter took place as the revealing of these items took place. The table with the most correct answers were treated to first-in-line for the dinner buffet.

Curator Sue Kemmis, members of the board of trustees, and many volunteers contributed to the success of this event. A much deserved tribute was paid to John Standall, who for many previous dinner events, organized and delivered a fun and most enjoyable evening.

The Historical Society expresses their appreciation for the County’s support of the museum and attendance at programs, events and fundraisers, the dedication of our curator, trustee members, volunteers, and especially the patrons who come to enjoy “A Night for the Museum.”

If you missed out this year, get in line early next fall when tickets first go on sale.