Friday, March 14, 2025


| November 23, 2016 11:23 AM

History for November 24th, 2016 100 Year The body of Joe Dunn, the man who died at Kingsgate last Friday morning while trying to enter a refrigerator car was buried in the Bonners Ferry cemetery Monday afternoon. Coroner Reich held an inquest Saturday evening and an autopsy was held by Dr. E.E. Fry. The coroner’s jury brought in a verdict to the effect that Dunn’s death had been caused by pneumonia. From all present indications the project of reclaiming the Kootenai Valley of Idaho and British Columbia, which includes some 80,000 acres of rich bottom lands on both sides of the Kootenai river for a distance of some 60 miles, will soon be taken up again. While skating Sunday on the lake below town Miss Janie Rebenstroff was severely bitten by a dog belonging to George Causton. Eastport – A runaway boy from Bonners Ferry, was picked up here by the immigration officers last week. He was promptly returned to his parents. The basket ball team of the Bonners Ferry high school is rapidly getting in shape for the opening games of the season which will be played on December 7th, 8th and 9th at Libby, Eureka and Kalispell, Mont., respectively. The line-up of the team which will make the Montana trip will be as follows: Forwards, Stewart, Bond, Collins; center, Norton; guards, Luse and Thomsen. 50 Years Tuesday, Nov. 21, marked the opening of the Naples-Peterson hill section of Highway 2 and 95, and the Naples overpass. The eight-mile stretch of highway has been two years in the building with the costs listed as follows: grading, drainage and base materials, $1,400,000; paving, $425,000; and overpass, $460,000. The overpass is 730 feet long and 28 feet wide. The Boundary County TV Translator association today said the weak signal received last week was due to an icing condition on the antennas at Black mountain. Bob Myers and Clem Mostek went to the site and removed a four-inch ice coat to restore the signal. The association also stated: “We ask our cooperation. This also goes for the two non-members (free loaders) who were complaining about their poor TV reception from our translators on Black mountain.” A small but interested group of “old timers”, met at the courthouse last Thursday evening to further discuss the formation of a Boundary County historical society. Mrs. Goldie Brewer acted as chairman of the meeting and in the enthusiastic discussions which took place the groundwork was laid for the formation of an historical organization for the local community. Seen and Heard… Neil Howarth, Al Flory and LeRoy White not being recognized as they did the can can….. An ice skating rink at the fairgrounds show area will be forth-coming with the arrival of cold weather. Jaycees will flood the arena soon to establish a base and submerge existing sawdust and chips, then will sprinkle the ice with the first good freeze in hopes of providing a safe, well lighted place for residents to enjoy the almost-forgotten sport.

15 Year A controversy developed between the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office and County Commissioners last week over the sheriff’s patrol contract with the Kootenai Tribe. Sheriff George Voyles voiced his concern to the county commissioners that the contract was not sufficient to cover the actual expenses of his department. The commissioners, however, said it was too late to make changes and that the sheriff was told he needed to negotiate a contract in July. Bonners Ferry High’s Forest Braden signed a letter of intent with Boise State University for a 4-year cross country/track scholarship worth close to $32,000. Braden, North Idaho’s premier running sensation, is a two time state cross country champion and last spring captured gold medals in the 1,600 and 3,200 meter races. He has also won eight medals in three trips to the state track meet. Macaron & cheese by Brittany Hayes – Use noodles & package of flavor. Buy a package of noodles and bring it home. Open the package and get the noodles out. Boil some water in a pan. When smoke come out, put the noodles in. Twist the noodles with a spoon. Cook for one hour. After awhile, take them out and put them in a bowl with holes. After water comes out, put the noodles in another bowl. Put in the flavor package. If you want, you can put in pepper. Then it’s done! Boundary County Commissioners publicly requested letters of intent Monday, from attorneys willing to fulfill the position of County Prosecutor for the remainder of Brett Benson’s elected term.