Monday, February 24, 2025

Boundary County School District by the numbers

by Gary Pflueger Contributing Writer
| October 6, 2016 1:00 AM

The Top 10 in Boundary County School District:

10. Participation in extracurricular activities is again at an all-time high; our students are active! Athletics are just one avenue. Our FFA, choir, band, drama and robotics are in full swing!

9. Positive behaviors and support out number discipline referrals and disruptive activities in a huge way.

8. Love & Logic and PEAK Strategies are creating relationships between staff and students; common sense is making a comeback!

7. The Facilities Committee has set a strong direction for an appropriate use of district funds.

6. The high school athletic teams are competitive. Cross country, soccer, volleyball, cheer and the dance teams can compete with anybody. Our football team is now entering league play and I feel sorry for the other football teams in our conference.

District and state competition is coming soon — stay tuned!

5. The administrative team in Boundary County is the best I have ever worked with — our future is bright!

4. Communication between the city and the schools have never been better. Thank you, Mayor Sims and Chief Watson!

3. Our Boundary County School District Board of Trustees have a united and central focus and that is “What is best for the kids!” The next meeting is Oct. 10 at Mount Hall at 6 p.m.

2. Expectations for all staff and students have been raised. Sportsmanship in all activities is expected. An advisory group, the Financial Understanding Committees is being formed to support board decisions.

1. Boundary County is a great place to raise our children and it is getting better. We live in an incredible area alive with wonder, opportunity, and wildlife.

On that note, I will end with a quick reminder. Every year I wonder why we have the opportunity that wildlife comes in the form of head lice … but they happen every place I have worked and they are back. We do have a no-nit policy but we also have the necessary products to get rid of these little critters. Please do not blame the schools, yourselves or the kids. Head lice do not discriminate. Knowledge will prevail. Have a great school year, I promise we will set the stage for success. Please meet us there!

Gary Pflueger is the superintendent of the Boundary County School District. He can be reached at