Friday, March 14, 2025

Famed Fisher collection now on display at J.B. Brody's

| October 20, 2016 1:00 AM

100 Year

The famous Fisher collection of mounted animals and stuffed birds is now on display at J.B. Brody’s pharmacy. Prominent in this display is a beautifully mounted white caribou, of which there are comparatively few specimens. The collection is one which is worth thousands of dollars and is still the property of Mrs. Fisher whose husband was formerly in business here and conducted the White Caribou Saloon.

S.H. Ehlers, a well known mining man of northwestern states, was in the city last Friday attending to business matters in connection with the resumption of operations at the old Sylvanite mining camp in western Lincoln county close to the Idaho-Montana line.

Copeland – A number of the ranchers here are vaccinating their stock for blackleg.

Wm. Eaton celebrated his 86th birthday anniversary last Friday. He is one of the oldest settlers of this district and originally platted the town of Eaton which afterwards became a part of Bonners Ferry.

A yearling buck deer was killed last Saturday by Mrs. W.H. Torrence in the corral of the Torrence ranch in Paradise Valley district. The animal was brought down with a shot from a .22 calibre Winchester rifle.

Copeland – T.L. Edward has received a large contract for sawing a half million feet of lumber for the Great Northern railway.

50 Year

Sen. Len B. Jordan informed theHerald by telegram Tuesday that the General Services Administration has awarded the contract for construction of a new customs inspection station at Porthill to Sceva Construction company of Spokane, in the amount of $164,495.00. A trailer presently serves as quarters for the Porthill customs station.

Buddy Carter and Dave Nelson of the local FFA chapter returned Monday from Kansas City, MO., after attending the National FFA convention. They reported that more than 11,000 members attended the convention.

The cooperation of Pacific Gas Transmission company in making their power line available for use has been cited as an important factor in bringing full television reception to residents throughout the county, and the firm was recognized for that operation in a recent letter.

The Bonners Ferry junior varsity football team ran into a big, strong Clark Fork squad at the fairgrounds last Saturday and dropped a 39-16 decision to the undefeated visitors. Coach Doug Cox said the entire Badger team played fine ball, and he added that the 16 points were the most any opponent has scored against Clark Fork this season.

15 Year

Although there have been no reported cases locally of letters suspected of containing anthrax which have been opened in workplaces in three states, local postmasters have been alerted by U.S. Postmasters. Bonners Ferry Postmaster Brenda Duncan still warns residents to carefully inspect all envelopes in their mailboxes before opening them.

Calling it too restrictive and that its definition doesn’t fit the needs of the county, the Boundary County Commissioners Monday disapproved a proposed amendment seeking a comprehensive ordinance regulating cell towers throughout the county.

The students of the week are two seventh graders, Casey Hampton, Devon Huggins and one eighth grader, Kelly Carlson, from Boundary County Junior High School, all were chosen because of their class participation, enthusiasm and academic accomplishments.

Sheriff’s log – Date: Oct. 7; Time: 16:07; Incident: Investigate suspicious at Eileen Dam; Details: Caller received call from anonymous male who said he had been detained for 20 minutes at Eileen dam in full cammo, military uniform including sash full of ammo holding auto. weapon.

Forest Braden set a new course record to capture individual honors at the Moscow Invitational last Saturday in 16:44 as both the Bonners Ferry boys and girls cross country teams ran off with victories in a tuneup to next week’s District meet in Naples.