Wednesday, March 12, 2025

No on hospital levy

| October 27, 2016 1:00 AM

Our hospital has made out their wish list and wants $800,000+. That kind of money request requires it to be backed up by solid data that shows the benefit out weighing its costs. BCH needs to be transparent and post their financial documents on their website.

It’s the hospital’s CEO duty to manage the budget and plan future upgrades. It`s a failure if they don`t meet their maintenance and capital expenses, but yet hire another manager as they have done.

BCH has group health insurance and doesn’t realize that nobody else can afford Obama care and most folks are trapped out.

The hospital’s top position, CEO, is one of the best paid jobs in the county and thus we expect accountability. The current CEO is not a county resident-no Taxes! It is disingenuous to expect tax payers to cover management short falls.

K. Philleo

Bonners Ferry