Sunday, March 09, 2025

Local firefighters train with Life Flight

| September 8, 2016 1:00 AM


-- Courtesy photo Training with Life Flight included how to shut off the helicopter during a crash landing.


-- Courtsey photo Training with Life Flight included how to shut off the helicopter during a crash landing.

BOUNDARY COUNTY -- Boundary County Volunteer Fire agencies along with other local agencies, came together Saturday, August 27th for an annual training with the emergency helicopter partners, Life Flight.

The training focused on when and why we would launch Life Flight for an emergency and how to designate and create a proper landing zone.

The training began with the hosting agency, Hall Mountain Fire landing the helicopter in the designated landing zone. A brief lecture was followed by hands on training. The participants were encouraged to come up close and see the cockpit.

Training included learning off to shut off the engine, fuel, and rotor in case of a crash landing. They also conducted what is termed "Hot Loads," which the participants were able to load a volunteer patient onto the helicopter while the rotors were in full motion creating immense rotor wash.

In an emergency, Life Flight can be dispatched and be all way to the Canadian Border, in 18-22 minutes.

This is an impressive response time especially for those needing critical care.

The helicopter is equipped with everything that an emergency room would have to treat their patients.

We as a community as fortunate to have this great partnership and knowledge that comes from this type of training.

Hall Mountain Fire Department would like thank the following participants: Life Flight, Hall Mountain Volunteer Fire Department, North Bench Fire VF, South Boundary Volunteer Fire Department, Yahk-Kingsgate Volunteer Fire Department (British Columbia); Idaho Department of Lands, Idaho State Police and US Customs and Border Protection.