Monday, March 10, 2025

Superintendent welcomes faculty, staff back to school

| September 8, 2016 1:00 AM

I am honored to be standing here before you. I know I am in the company of many great people. And I know we will accomplish great thing together this year. Our task needs to remain focused and united. Our jobs are very difficult and emotionally charged; the target needs to stay simple. These targets are teaching and learning ... and keeping the needs of our students first.

The words safe, civil and productive will be my motto; my rally cry, my mantra! Now, like it or not, these words will be found in our entire school community.

This simple and easy to understand three-word motto is far from an elementary school concept. These terms will help all of us, both students and staff to improve basic behavioral and academic expectations. This philosophy will lead to advanced performance, improved daily etiquette, and better relationships. These words are not just a words; they are actions. To define these words further: SAFE is both physical and emotional safety — this means no fighting, bullying or trash talking. CIVIL behaviors allow us to live in a polite and cooperative society; expected behaviors are helping others and using manners. PRODUCTIVE is accepting our role and responsibility to make it all work by completing given tasks to the best of our ability. Productive is simply doing our jobs.

I offer three goals for the district:

1) To raise the academic and behavioral expectations for both students and staff. I believe we can all do our jobs better; this will start with me!

2) Create a budget that is clear and easy to understand. This need was clearly shown by negotiations going to mediation. Our current system is ineffective on both sides of the table. It needs repair. In addition, this is a levy year, (so) continued clarity is needed. To address this need, a Financial Understanding Committee will be created as an advisory group for the Board.

3) Sportsmanship on and off the courts and fields. Our community needs to re-learn how to cheer for our teams, not against the others. And yelling at the ref or coach are neither civil nor productive.

Our professional development and focus over the years has remained on relationship building. Both PEAK and Love and Logic share this belief. These will remain a constant as long as I am with you.

Thank you for believing. Through your help, dedication and support, our students will enjoy what they deserve. Our focus must remain on the kids! It is their time, not ours! Enjoy your year! Make today a great day through kind words and respectful choices! Thank you! Supt. Pflueger