Friday, March 14, 2025

Input sought on accountability system

| September 22, 2016 1:00 AM

The Idaho State Board of Education will hold public forums throughout the state over the next few months to introduce the proposed new statewide accountability framework for measuring educational progress among public school districts, individual public schools and public charter schools throughout Idaho.

This month, forums are scheduled for Idaho Falls and Pocatello. Two additional public forums will be held in Coeur d’Alene and Lewiston in October.

During its August Board meeting, the board gave initial approval to the framework for a statewide accountability system.

The new accountability system is being developed in response to a recommendation of the Governor’s Task Force for Improving Education for a single accountability system that is transparent and meets both the state and federal Every Student Succeeds Act requirements.

The Board of Education is charged with the general supervision and governance of the public educational institutions and the public school system of the state of Idaho.
