Sunday, February 23, 2025

Crowd cheers Taft's grand opening

| September 29, 2016 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Dan Chisholm, proprietor of the Bonner Ferry-Porthill auto stage, had the misfortune to break the middle finger of his right hand and to throw out of joint and severely bruise two other fingers, last Saturday.

The accident happened at the Rock Creek hill when Mr. Chisholm was cranking an auto. The engine back-fired and the crank was thrown violently back against Mr. Chisholm’s hand. He drove on into Bonners Ferry and had the injured fingers dressed by Drs. Fry and Faucett.

One of Dan Chisholm’s autos which is used on the stage line between Bonners Ferry and Porthill was wrecked Tuesday when a cable became entangled in the steering gear. The passengers were not hurt.

Last Saturday Nicholson & Zimmerman shipped a carload of white-faced Herfords to Spokane where they were disposed of.

The cattle were the best which have been shipped from this district for some time. Most of the stock was purchased from Charles Early’s herd.

Elmer Traver and John Vandover brought down a large band of cattle from Round Prairie Wednesday to ferry across the river. The cattle became frightened while crossing and broke the barge railings. Through good management serious trouble was prevented.

Meadow Creek – The National Pole company is breaking camp. The sleighs and all the logging paraphernalia has been brought to the railway and will be shipped to the Coeur d’Alene country where the company will operate this winter.

50 Years Ago

A good crowd was on hand last weekend for the grand opening of Taft’s Variety Store at its new location in the former City Bakery building on Main street. The store was moved into the completely remodeled building and now adjoins the Bonners Department store, with a 30-foot archway connecting the two stores. The grand prize of a card table and chairs has not been claimed as yet and the person with the lucky ticket number – 026266 – can pick up the prize simply by resenting the ticket at the store.

National 4-H week will be observed in Idaho Sept. 24 to Oct. 1. The 4-H program is for boys and girls wherever they live. The Boundary county 4-H program this year had 280 members in 16 clubs which were located in all areas of the county. A fine working group of 89 volunteer leaders and junior leaders worked with the members.

At a vmeeting held in the Busy Bee hall Monday evening, the Bee Line Water association was formed. There were 38 interested rural residents of the area in attendance and a great amount of enthusiasm was shown. The association has set the membership fee at $300.00 with $50.00 to be collected at the time a member signs up.

The Bonners Ferry badgers were gunning for a win last Friday and bagged their first victory of the season when they shot down the Medical Lake Cardinals, 13-0, at the Fairgrounds.

15 Years Ago

It was a long time coming, but after more than two decades the Boundary County Head Start program finally received the grant it was hoping for to open its doors to area-wide three-year olds of low-income families.

After less than a week, the FAA and NTSB have finished their preliminary investigation into the fatal helicopter crash that killed Precision Helicopter pilot Bob Davis Sept. 25. They will continue the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the crash, but early indications point to a loss of rotor control when the blades hit a tree, which caused the copper to pitch and fall into the ravine. The crash scene was in the Bussard Mountains just north of Moyie Springs. Though this is the second crash for Precision in less than three months, there is evidence from the investigation on the earlier crash showing an engine malfunction that originated at the manufacturer.

Between Oct. 1 and Nov. 1, the Kootenai national Wildlife Refuge will be conducting prescribed burning, both on the north and south ends of the refuge.

Actual burning time is expected to take about one or two days. The purpose of these burns is to reduce hazardous accumulations of fuel and to improve wildlife habitat.