Monday, March 03, 2025

Babe Ruth softball and baseball program

| April 6, 2017 1:00 AM

Registration for the Boundary County Babe Ruth Softball and Baseball program are going on now until April 8.

We are a travel Baseball league that is separate from Parks and Rec.

Registration forms are available and can be printed off our face book page: Boundary county Babe Ruth or they will be available at the basketball jamboree this Saturday April First form 9 to 3 p.m.

We will have booths at both the high school and middle school.

Registration forms can be dropped off at Dr. Willis DDS’ office now until April 8.

We are still looking for sponsors as well to assist in our program. $100 gets your name on our four banners that travel with our teams.

And $250 will sponsor our first annual tournament this year which will be held sometime in June.